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Myriavora update for 13 December 2021

Camp Amoris + new neck band

Share · View all patches · Build 7872730 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Changes made in revision 8053:

  • Added Camp Amoris
  • Added punk-style neck band

[url=]![]([/url] [url=]![]([/url] [url=]![]([/url] [url=]![]([/url]

Camp Amoris has a large amplifier that can be targeted by any projectile attack. There are three small fetchers within its range, which are activated by entering them. The fetchers are pretty quick, so be careful when using them.

It's a powerful combination, but if you get overwhelmed, it can become useless out of a sudden. You can try to escape to the south edge of the camp, where you will find some forest. It offers only limited cover though, so don't rely on it. Instead, I recommend to bring either massive fire power or plenty protective skills.

I made a neck band with dots. As usual, it's fully customizable. If you use a glossy material (ideally crystal fabric), you can make the dots look like rivets, which is what I had in mind when making them. Just keep in mind that the item drops with random colors and materials (like every other item), so it may not look like "punk style" at all when you get it.

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