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Penkura update for 13 December 2021

(Midway Branch) Penkura Patch 0.2.0 MW 6

Share · View all patches · Build 7872199 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.


Hello, world! Midway Branch of Penkura is now updated to 0.2.0 MW 6

In this patch, we released our own Lions_Path system (Pathfinding and Cell generation System).
While creating the next zone for the upcoming patch 0.2.0, we notice that some test players with weaker machines started to struggle when loading their game, and because of the complexity of the map, NPC (AI) started to get stuck in corners that they thought they could maneuver around.

We did our best to find the best possible solution but in the end, we only had two options.
Increase even more the resolution and complexity of the Unreal build-in navigation system (which will fix most of the problems) but drastically increase load time, memory use, and affect overall performance, or, build our own navigation system that would work together with the build-in Unreal system.

After a few minor tests, we decided that the player experience would be degraded way too much with the first option.
Two weeks after, Lions_Path was created, and more precisely seventeen systems that work together to generate a cell-based navigation system, with a pathfinding solution, used by bots, and NPCs. Below there is an image taken directly from the engine, to present the amount of calculation that is made while loading the level (that is Lions_Path alone).

Because 99% of the calculation is done asynchronously while loading the game and the system uses basic cells, players should notice lower memory use, faster load speed, and fewer mistakes made by bots when moving very long distances. That 1% calculation left, is the path created with the use of the cells added by Lions_Path. Because only a tiny portion of the calculation is done when the bot requests navigation, the current most difficult and complex path ((distance of around 2km (1.24 Mile)) is generated on our test machine in 0.21 seconds.

We did extensive testing of Lions_Path before the release, to make sure players will experience as few problems as possible, but because of the complexity of the system, we still need to keep an eye on bot movement and their behavior.

Until any problems arrive, we are going back to work on the next zones, new missions, and dialogs.
More information on the zones, and missions next week.

In case of any problems, always feel free to contact me here on Steam in Sub Forum "Midway Branch of Penkura"

Link --->

or contact me personally on Discord.

LINK ---->

A small tutorial on how to access the Midway branch is available in the link below.

Link --->

Till the next Dev-Com, over and out.

Patch 0.2.0 MW 6

⊞ Bugs/Errors ⊞

◈ Solar Panels always show that their energy flow is 0%.

◈ Materialization Complete Sound Effect in MMC could be heard from ten times its normal range.

◈ MMC Storage UI didn't refresh Icon style when changing Grid Style in Options Settings.

◈ Interaction animation in player/bot characters didn't trigger if used on locked doors.

⊞ Improvements / changes / additions ⊞

◈ Added a new type of pathfinding solution called Lions_Path.

◈ M.P.S scans 50% faster.

◈ Added Interactive Item (Small Desk Lamp)

◈ Added Interactive Item (Medium Desk Lamp)

◈ Added Interactive Item (HoloPet)

◈ Added new items to the game world, and improve foliage spread to make some areas a bit less empty.

◈ Added ability to reset/cancel any command given to the bot.

◈ Rebuilded a small section of the cave system in preparation for Monorail station content.

Changed depots in penkura_midway_public branch

View more data in app history for build 7872199
Windows 64-bit Penkura Content Depot 739721
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