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Cards and Castles 2 update for 13 December 2021

Major Game Update 12/12

Share · View all patches · Build 7871822 · Last edited 13 December 2021 – 02:09:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Added a new options toggle “Auto-Pass”, which will automatically click the pass button for the player if no actions are possible. This option defaults to ON.
Card layouts for unit and structures cards have been slightly reworked. Previously, the display of all unit stats, explicit class name, and level created a busy looking interface in which it was hard for the player to identify which information was most important. In our testing we found that attack and health values were drawing too much attention from casual players, confusing their decision making. The intent has always been that for most players, level is a sufficient explanation of a unit’s combat prowess, and both gameplay and UI reworks have been made to now achieve this goal. The new card layout strongly emphasizes level and class by simply displaying the level number and class icon on the card, with additional information available in the card’s tooltip. Additionally the new layout allows us slightly more room for card text, with room to further tweak for more text room in the future, which was not possible on the previous compressed layout. This update corresponds with a game mechanics update detailed below that changes how levels are calculated. Overall this will make relevant information more appropriately weighted for the overall playerbase: general information about the card’s relative combat effectiveness is printed directly on the card, and detailed stat information is available in the tooltip for power users to dig into at their own discretion.
5 new player icons have been added!
Enemy threat display tiles (the red tiles on hover) are no longer disabled for enemies that have already moved.
Legendary cards now have a special graphic.

Campaigns are no longer unlocked sequentially: players will now start with access to 3 campaigns, with more unlocked via specific circumstances.
Several campaign missions in the druid, viking, and pirate campaigns have been made substantially easier.

The way levels represent unit power has been changed: previously, a unit’s level was a loose approximation of its overall effectiveness, including all of its special abilities in attributes, corresponding to its cost. NOW, level has been changed to instead ONLY represent the unit’s attack and health stats, relative to other units of that class. This should make level a much more accurate representation of a unit’s direct combat prowess and approximate damage potential and durability. As such, many units will display a lower level than they did previously, but their power level has not been changed.
WARRIORS: Bonus changed to 20% bonus damage against units.
GUARDIANS: Bonus changed to 20% armor against melee damage.
FRENZY: Bonus increased to 80%.
RELENTLESS: Bonus increased to 100%.
CLEAVE, EXPLOSIVE: Damage increased to 65%.
Riposte has been removed from the game.
Several cards were changed from incantation to burst speed, particularly ninja cards, aoe effects, and effects with a minimal chance of meaningful response.
A few cards have had their mana and gold cost combination shifted slightly (within the same total cost).

Centaur: Ability changed to ARRIVAL: Heal nearby allies for 9. Unit strength is now level 2 (still costs 3).
Dragon Knight: Proc changed to deal 5 fire damage to a random nearby enemy.
Dwarven Miner: Removed ability.
Jonviev: Ability is no longer ARRIVAL, only activates when played.
Smithy: Changed to add a dwarven weapons to your hand when played. Cost increased to 2.
Fat Bard: Ability changed to ARRIVAL: Increase up to 3 random ally’s level by 1. Unit strength is now level 1 (still costs 3).
Harpy: Ability changed to ARRIVAL: Reduce nearby enemy unit’s levels by 1. Unit strength is now level 1 (still costs 3).
Temple of the Five Gods: Lightning damage bonus increased to 6.
Battle Squirrel: Starts at level 0, gains 3 levels for bonus.
Basher: Changed cost to 3, but stats were improved.
Thief: Changed to a level 0 unit with Arrival: Steal a card.
Grave Robbery: Cost increased to 2 gold 1 mana.
Arctic Explorer: Base level changed to 1, but gains 3 levels during a Blizzard.
Magma Titan: Ability damage increased to 10, but unit is level 2 (minor adjustment).
Manfish: Armor bonus increased to 50%, but unit is level 2.
Magic Eater: Initial level reduced by 1, bonus increased to 12.
Living Vines: Heal increased to 8, level reduced to 4.
Southport Captain: Gold cost increased to 5, reduced to level 5, ability cost reduced to 2.
Rakanoth: Last Will damage reduced to 20.
Resurrection: Cost changed to 4 gold 1 mana.
Sensei: Changed to Last Will: Your next assassin costs 1 gold 1 mana less.
Dwarf Paladin: Area heal changed to a new Last Will effect.
Thievery: Changed to 5 gold: deal 17-23 damage to a unit, then steal 2 cards. Incantation speed.
Norabon: Zombies are also raised on Arrival. Cost increased by 1.
Elvish Bandit: Renamed Treasure Bandit, now has gains 1 treasure on a successful backstab. Level reduced to 1.
Serpent Witch: Removed ability.
Skeletal Squire: Changed to level 0 knight, but has +3 levels while you have another knight in play.
Iceweaver: Ability changed to 1 mana, attack: Deal 9-13 damage to enemies around this and freeze them. (Area 5)

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