Miscellaneous fixes and improvements this week alongside a brand new relationship type: Lovers!
- New relationship type: Lovers!
- Lovers will appear by way of random event like the other relationship events.
- Lovers get a HUGE bonus to Bravery and Toughness when fighting on the same team (30%), DOUBLED if they are fighting adjacent (60%).
- This means lovers fighting alongside one another could be really difficult to take down, very difficult to do serious injury to them, and unshakeable morale.
- Lovers also get the same greed and morale bonuses as Best Friends.
- Lovers also get the same nerfs to morale when their lover gets injured, dies or gets sacked.
- Increased the prize money for winning the top division from 15k to 20k.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused a crash when player started a match with convicts in their own team.
- Fixed a bug that was causing low mood or condition to increase dodge instead of decreasing it when the effect triggered.
- Fixed a bug preventing an event from increasing fighter potential as intended.
- Corrected the season summary text so that instead of congratulating the top div winner for promotion, they are congratulated for winning the whole league.
- Fixed a bug that was sometimes causing criminals to lose 1 fight from their sentence when fighting before a rest week.
- Fixed a bug causing Freestylers not to get the +x attribute bonus on perking up.
- Prevented the ‘Shield Break’ skill from being an option when opponent has no shield.
Changed files in this update