2nd Week Update Miolhrians...Almost at Update 19 Complete...so lets get into it!
Even though Update 19 isn't complete everyone with the Game can try it out and report issues!
Wrench required to make sure everything is well...
Updates include...
V.2 (Week 2)
- NEW Pet Stamina and Battle System fixes!
- Multiple fixes to some pets spawn and Abilities!
- Bike Storage Added! (Will be added for bike modes at bike shop)
- Elevators Updated! (Use-able with Storyline Coming Soon!!!)
- Multiple fixes!
- More Balancing to home and POI sizes!
- Animal(Moi-la-mon)!
- Bandit Looter Raider Trader and some NPC Updated! (1/2 NPC Update)
- Adjusted Class on HUD!
V.1 (Week 1)
- NEW Pet Stamina and Battle System!
- (This allows you to use you pet in battles rather than fighting them yourself)
(Pet stamina is limited to 10 and each battle lose -1 per battle on win)
(-2 stamina) - New Abilities added for some Pets!(-1 Stamina for all skills until balancing)
- New Ultra Ability which gives your Pet a 99% Win Chance against Animals and Zombies(-3)
this excludes Bosses, Hordes, (Bandits, Looter and Raider for now)
- Adjusted Weather pattern in all biomes!
- Updated buildings to show 1 and 2 floor Points of Interest fixes!
- Battle Interface was adjusted for 1024x768 resolution change fixes!
- Tons of Translation updated for Portuguese build!
Coming Soon in this Update...NPC final designs in the the Week they will be slowly added in!
Fixes depending on issue!
More Balancing and adjustments depending on testing!
Stay tuned...
Changed files in this update