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Cross of Auria update for 12 December 2021

5.0.14 [Build #109] - Pre-DLC Fixes

Share · View all patches · Build 7870714 · Last edited 12 December 2021 – 19:09:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

To prepare for the upcoming Yuelslain DLC, I had to start a new save file on the retail branch of the game and then take that file all the way forward through everything currently in game to get to where the DLC would not just be available, but be doable. As of pushing this update, I'm 6 hours in and just reached the Nexus Waterway and have completed all RF and PA sidequests. Along the way, I stopped to fix, update, or otherwise adjust everything that needed attention. There's still a few hours of this playthrough left to go, but unless anything major is broken, those fixes and updates will be held until Dec 24th.

Notable updates with this patch:

  • New challenge in Colosseum basement.
  • Gauntlet temporarily disabled.
  • Many... many fixes.
  • Some area redesigns.
  • Some dialogue fixes for conditions where characters may not be present.

5.0.14 [Build #109, Release Date: December 12, 2021]
Bugs to look for: Report them as a comment to the most recent patch notes or post them directly on the CoA channels using the invite link above!

  • If you are able to defeat the Scarlet Cavern boss before it applies its barrier, please reach out and let me know how it's done so it can be fixed! Players who exploit this will permanently miss out on the electric melee abilities for the rest of the game.

Timelost Zones:

  • Several locations within the game could not be updated without replacing them altogether to prevent player save issues. If when you load your save file, the map name at the top says "Timelost Zone", simply exit the zone and re-enter to be brought to the new version of the area.
  • All four of the original Auria entrance locations have been merged into a single zone, resulting in four timelost locations. They will still transfer between one another. Return to the world map then re-enter Auria to be brought to the new location.

Temporarily Disabled:

  • Due to a bug within the Hall of Challengers, the Gauntlet event is disabled.

New (General):

  • Mystery Shop now offers a Silver chest in exchange for 3 Mystery Coins. This chest contains tier 2 restorative items, 1k-5k gold, and up to 1 Moderate Tool Kit per box.

New (Colosseum):

  • A new blue rift has appeared in the Colosseum basement! Challenge the Gazer Trio for the chance to acquire Jelly accessories for Ruby, Miles, Riley, & Alex! These accessories grant +1 to all stats, +10 to HP and MP, & enable the skill "Slap".
    -- Each of the Trio has a 2% chance to drop each individual gear piece.
    -- Jelly Earrings also enable the wearer to use Skills even if they ordinarily could not.


  • The rain stops when entering the Armory for the first time in Lvell before the dialogue instead of after.
  • Adjusted Rose's forest battle zone dialogue to fit in the text window.
  • Removed Mao from his house when he should not be there.
  • Fixed a dialogue hiccup from when Rose and Jack leave together.
  • Fixed a dialogue mistake when talking to Rose at the Phoenix Ash.
  • Fixed a condition where the Scarlet cavern boss could be defeated using the Liquefier before Ruby learns Sparkstrike.
  • Fixed An'ura Slasher's display level. It's stats were always level 4, but the display for level 12 remained from its original creation.
  • Fixed the randomized chest in Den An'ura/Battleground which was giving Oros Weapon Parts and copies of the Expedition Outfit. Basic fruit (apple, orange, grapes, etc) were removed in a previous update.
  • Fixed dialogue for the guards who deny entry to Auria after that part of the story has ended.
  • Fixed the passability of tables in the Rabbit's Foot.
  • Fixed the pickup condition for the recipe book in Rabbit's Foot.
  • Removed the free Oros and Dusk items from Caravan Dan's inventory.
  • Fixed Depleted An'urs Smogger tooltip.
  • Fixed an issue where Ruby may become trapped if she doesn't have any of the Acid-Coated Ring components and kills the Hive Mind second.
  • Fixed Dialogue issue for Rabbit's Foot Supply II turn in.
  • Frost Fortress battles now trigger on contact.
  • Fixed some unintentional portal color changes in the Lighthouse.
  • Fixed an issue where Meoh was in Shoreline for the Orc War before she should be.
  • Fixed an issue where Ewynn may ignore the Build the Library questline.
  • Removed Miles & Riley's dialogue from Amaya's introduction.

Updates & Changes:

  • Redesigned the area between Scarlet Cavern and Den An'ura.
  • Increased the average step count per encounter in Den An'ura to 45 in all zones. The Expanse area of Frostbrood Lair remains at 55 and Encampment remains at 65. This change will be most noticeable beginning with Den An'ura / North and areas beyond
  • Adjusted some inside areas in Auria to be more in line with the current design of the game and reflect what I've learned since these locations were originally made. Most notable change is the Grand Library.
  • Redesigned the Auria/Entrance zone.
  • Unified the Rabbit's Foot lodge design and removed dialogue which indicated there was a change.
  • Disabled max level restriction.
  • Adjusted Rose's reaction to Ruby returning to Lvell.
  • Adjusted the Lighthouse internal design.

Known Issues:

  • If the first enemy with Rose is defeated too quickly, she won't have the chance to introduce herself.
  • The skill "Kinetics" may throw an error if used before a target is acquired. This will be fixed in the next update.

Edit: At 7:05 PM EST, the following was also added to the live build:

5.0.15 [Build #110, Release Date: December 12, 2021]

  • Fixed the units involved in the Nexus Waterway scripted Orc battle.
  • Fixed an issue where Eurus or Amaya would appear twice at the campsite if the other character had not been obtained yet.
  • Prevented a condition where Ruby could walk backward through Scarlet Cavern during the second Campsite scene.
  • Fixed an issue where Kinetics would throw an error after the Miles costume change.
  • Fixed an issue where Earthquake would throw an error after the Riley costume change.

Updates & Changes:

  • Auria zones during the Orc War now conform to their new pre-OW design introduced in 5.0.14.
  • Removed the mixing station from Orc War Auria / Research Shack.
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