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Brass Brigade update for 12 December 2021

Medics & Support Troops Join the Ranks of the Brass Brigade

Share · View all patches · Build 7870534 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello troopers,

I can't seem to tear myself away from working on Brass Brigade. Primary development stopped after the "Victory" updates (which added the Streets of Berlin and Okinawa maps, check them out if you haven't yet!), but the Christmas season made me feel really grateful for all the blessings I have in life. The success and love you all have for Brass Brigade made me think of adding something a little different in this update, but I'm sure you'll love it. In-line with the theme of Christmas - a time of year where we give to those we love - this update doesn't bring lethal new weapons or a dangerous new battlefield to traverse. Instead, this update focuses on medics and ammo runners. What other gifts could a soldier on the battlefield need more than some first aid and extra bullets?

New Classes - Medics and Ammo Runners

A medic approaches a wounded machine-gunner to give first aid.

Medics are the newest addition to all teams in Brass Brigade. Medics typically carry rifles and handguns to give them some semblance of chance in the thick of battle, but their focus won't be on charging enemy lines or hoping into tanks. Rather, medics will roam the battlefield seeking out other allied troops (player included) who are hurt and will automatically approach them and give them both an immediate health refill plus an extra med-kit on the ground. They're easily identified by their distinct Red Crosses around their arms, helmets/hats, and backpacks. If you get hurt and don't have a safe path to an aid station, seek cover and look for any nearby medics who are making their way to you. If a medic is engaged in battle or helping another soldier, you can also bring up the Troop Command Menu (default key: X) and select the new "Medic!" button to summon a nearby medic to you immediately. Note that medics will only approach you if you're hurt and are within range. If you're too far away to get their attention, you may need to close the gap before they'll notice you're hurt!

A German medic heals the player. Time to get back in the fight soldier!

Also, keep an eye out for other wounded allies who might be retreating! If an ally gets hurt and a medic is approaching them, the wounded soldier will crouch down and attempt to retreat a small distance & then wait for a medic. If you see a comrade hiding, try to cover them until a medic is able to get them back in the fight!

A French support gunner drops an ammo box for the player!

In a similar fashion, classes who had an Ammo Box as their special ability will dispense the ammo cans at the feet of other bots who are low on ammo. They will seek out other nearby troops who need ammo. The player can call out for ammo with the Troop Command menu as well. These troops however still prioritize fighting over seeking out other allies to re-arm. Their resupply cooldown is also considerably longer than the medic, meaning they can't dispense ammo as frequently, helping to keep them focused on fighting first and resupplying second.

Wrapping Up

This update really was focused on improving the team dynamics of the AI bots, and I think you'll be pleased with the results. It's pretty neat to be fighting on the front lines with 1HP and a dream when a friendly medic comes up from behind and gives you enough health to make the heroic breakthrough. It also seems to help slow the battles down a bit as a proportion of each team is now preoccupied healing & resupplying their comrades. It's a nice change of pace away from the constant blitzing for the next flag.

All in all, I hope you enjoy this new update. I know I sure do. AI is perhaps the most difficult thing to work on but also the once that I find the most rewarding when it works. To that end, I'm fairly happy with the outcome of these new AI troop types.

I hope you have a wonderful, happy, healthy, and peaceful holiday season.

Merry Christmas,

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