Howdy Folks!
Have ANOTHER big Patch Update for ya this week, along with an EVEN BIGGER new toy.
Full Changelog - Update 98 - Big Patch 2
- Added New Firearm: Aerial Denier (Meat Fortress, 18x50mm Packawhallop)
- Added New Thrown Weapon: Bear Trap
- [Item Spawner] Item spawner, when loading Vault files from disc, will now reject (and not register/display) any vault file that contains guns or attachments which cannot be found in the current Static object database. This means that vaulted guns for modded content that is later removed by the user will not longer break the Item Spawner.
- Regenerative Encryption Tendril search is now blocked by Navblock forcefields.
- 3 gauge shotgun shell can now be palmed to hold multiple
- [Take&Hold] Fixed Welldone Freemeat using old version of CyberGrenade
- [Take&Hold] Overlapping encryption spawn point fixed in red room
- [Take&Hold] Fixed issue where casting to tnh_char enum failed for users that previously played a custom character and then removed that character or had its index change. When invalid indices are loaded now, the current and saved ‘last character played’ will now default to Classic Loadout Louis. Note that this involved changing the name of a saved variable so everyone’s ‘last played character’ has been reset.
- [Item Spawner] Fixed cases where Vault page SHOULD have hidden sprites due to missing ItemSpawnerID files, but instead just errored and tried to harden against future unknown combinations of missing or misconfigured user-injected content
- Fixed color of F1 Russian Grenade
- Fixed Big Boomer not playing firing sound when only right barrel is fired
- Fixed geo hole in EM2 front sight
- Fixed RPK mag latch not visually moving
- Fixed missing health bar in Mini Arena
- Fixed color of Mk2 grenade
- Fixed broken help screens in Sampler Platter Scene
Known Issues:
- Red Dot Zeroing distance cannot be changed in Streamlined control mode
- Red Dot luminance changes are DISABLED at the moment
Changed files in this update