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No Umbrellas Allowed update for 30 April 2021

0.10.4 - Better Feedbacks, Survey Event

Share · View all patches · Build 6631108 · Last edited 30 April 2021 – 23:09:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

In the last few patches, we introduced the reputation system and tried to give players the experience of continued growth by showing change indicators on the top bar. However, we realized that players found the constant rise and fall of reputation stressing and distracting. This, coupled with the lack of proper feedback on exactly what had gone wrong during the player's evaluation of the item, has led only to frustration. This patch tries to fix this issue.

First, we improved the way the customer gives feedback to the player so that the player can focus more naturally on the experience in a relaxed manner. The specificity of customer feedbacks will provide players with more straightforward hints on where they can improve, while point in time for the indication of changes in the reputation has been altered to be less distracting and more acceptable.

  • Release Notes

New Features

✨ Customers will provide much more detailed feedback about players' item appraisals. Players can now build upon various hints about where they could improve.

✨ The requirement for item recommendations is more flexible. An item with generally good cards will raise your "Recommended by Darcy's" reputation, while an item with generally bad cards will not.

✨ When an item in the inventory is changed, the item will now show an icon.

✨ When a card of an item in the inventory is changed, the card will be highlighted with an icon. A card with persistent effects or one that is potentially subject to change is also highlighted.

✨ In some events concerning items in the inventory, like at Hanja's JunkJunk or during a conversation with Bokho, relevant items are now highlighted in the inventory.

✨ "New" badges now highlight pages in the manual you have not visited yet.

✨ Added types of flowers with distinct effects, as well as a clearer visual indication as to when it's taking effect.


❗ Customers requesting rental will accept higher prices or make a reasonable counter-offer. Customers looking to rent items will now appear more later in the game.

❗ When a player makes a wrong evaluation of an item, customers will provide clearer and more relevant feedback.

❗ The speed at which store reputations rise, cases when they rise or fall, has all been improved to provide a more streamlined experience.

❗ "Appraised by Darcy's" reputation will now change not when buying an item but when selling. By doing so, players will now be given very clearly why their reputation is being hurt.

🎨 The auction house will now be much more profitable.

🎨 The auction house will now hold your item for two days before letting you attend its auction.

🎨 Some graphics relating to events in Mindlesso have been added.

🎨 Changed calculator behavior to clearly show "not enough balance" message.

🐛 Fixed similar items spawning in groups.

🐛 Fixed not being able to read the full text of cards.

🐛 Fixed some cases where customers who want an item curated do not accept items they are supposed to accept.

🐛 Fixed some cases where the game freezes when curating particular items.

🐛 The repair shop and the auction house will provide a better reason for why they are turning down your items.

🐛 Fixed some events showing in the evening square elevator when they're not supposed to.

🐛 Fixed customers refusing cards from the jewel scan tool.

🐛 Fixed some wrong masks in endings.

🐛 Fixed some cases where customers offer a better deal than the player's suggestion.

🐛 Fixed some cases where getting a loan results in wrong loan interest records being added to the calendar.

🐛 Fixed a bug where despite moving to the penthouse, you're told to have failed to join the Fixie Pension if you have no active loan.

🐛 Fixed cases where the IME input breaks the text input fields in the bug reporter.

🐛 Fixed cases where some tool sprites are erroneously displayed.

🐛 Fixed cases where holding tools or having a UI open while moving between scenes causes problems.

🐛 Text overflow in the calendar is now properly masked and scrollable.

🐛 When curating an item, added handling for cases where the player first curates an item but refuses to name a price.

🐛 Fixed same umbrellas appearing multiple times, and creating a weird, state-sharing twin in the inventory. Furthermore, umbrellas will now spawn every week as intended.

🐛 Fixed being able to dispose of an umbrella that is being fixed in the repair shop.

Known Issues

⚠️ Some street NPC animations and events are malfunctioning and being fixed.

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