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Realpolitiks II update for 30 April 2021

Version 0.80 Changelog

Share · View all patches · Build 6619503 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:01:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

New formula for calculating unit damage
War notification is now properly handled when entering/leaving an allied war theater
Various bug fixes related to starting/ending war theaters
Fixed issues with war theater score calculation and refreshing
Units hit "by mistake" will now receive correct damage
Fixed issues with related to units no entering battlefield correctly
War theater should now select correct lead country per side
Armies should no longer be able to join incorrect conflicts
Armies will no longer be able to leave war theaters if there is no more than one army group left

Fixed spamming the white peace negotiation proposal
Province liberation was not chosen by the opponent after the end of the war
Added testing mechanism during war declaration process

Added teleport bloc members army groups from international waters at left bloc
Fixed info popup after annex provinces during war negotiations
Fixed war theater action error now all theater action can be used properly
Fixed rebels war score calculate when occupied all root country provinces
Blocked possibility to declare war multiple times between the same countries
Fixed visualization of various information related to army units, military, war, projects, blocs, pacts, relations, actions and many more
Many minor fixes in country liberation mechanic

Game Logic:
Fixed not changing weather on regions
Fixed missing bloc prefix after load saved game
Fixed names of blocs created by AI
Fixed applying bloc relation effect
Fixed Liberate country should have unrecognized status
Fixed display skills of spies
Fixed error with added skill to spy
Fixed movement system after load game for all water provinces which were occupied
Fixed missing project tree after switch window of game
Fixed errors with stock market when it closed and was annexed by rebellion
Fixed disable quick save when some popup is showing
Fixed missing cooldown for missile launcher after load game
Fixed determining the proper value for effect that changes number country resources
Fixed core adding to proper country when a new one is created
Fixed a bug with invalid buildings after new country creation
Fixed a bug when sometimes money was below zero

Fixed issue with empty active resolution proposer and target
Improved UN voting behavior when destroying member countries
Fixed an error when sometimes occurred when user clicked on UN building

Fixed missile attack info format on the popup displayed after the successful attack
Added camera focus on the province with AI theater to war popup
Fixed resource trading income value rounding on UI
Fixed building upgrades cost format now its display only integer values
Fixed missiles strike hidden effects info
Improved statistics sorting by names
Changed localization key on alert state window
Fixed custom political parties names now if a country has its own party names it's will be displayed on the left panel
Fixed focus on the province on missile attack popup
Left Panel - Fixed bookmarks refreshing after a click on spy or building
Notification - Fixed displaying war notification when one of the conflict sites is no longer exists to prevent stop time
Notification - Fixed double notifications after destroyed country
Notification - Fixed generals slots notification and value blinking every day when a player has a time modifier to generals slots limit

Traits of perks and generals should now correctly display their effects and icons
AI should now be slightly more aggressive
Rebalanced battle attack and defense modifiers
Increased costs and effects of Alert States
Lowered the probability of rebellions
Side menu will now provide information when the selected province is under occupation
War-related event chains should no longer treat rebellions as full-fledged countries
Projects names in the projects filter list should now always be visible
Fixes in projects and events
Fixed forced elections panel and results
Fixed visualization of relation values in the bloc view
Fixed capital determining during new country creation and liberation
Localization fixes

Windows Realpolitiks II Content Depot 1248061
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Linux 64-bit Realpolitiks II Linux Content Depot 1248062
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macOS 64-bit Realpolitiks II MAC Content Depot 1248063
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