The current update contains some bug fixes, but also important changes for the correct functioning of the ULF DLC.
- This update contains important changes that are necessary for the correct functioning of the ULF DLC.
- If the ULF DLC has been purchased and activated, ULF Type A will now run on AI line 62 according to the line's timetable
- Bugfix: AI trams braked too early in stops and then rolled to the stop point
- Bugfix: AI trams sometimes did not continue after stopping at the stop
- Bugfix: On Flexity, one passenger seat position was rotated incorrectly
- Bugfix: The display of the driven kilometers in the trip report was not correct
- Minor bugs related to the help window when manually starting up fixed
- AI trams now use vehicle numbers from the stored vehicle number pool, from which you can also select the vehicle number for your own tram in the main menu
- Player selected vehicle number is now no longer used by AI trams
- Help window for ITCS/IBIS explanations added
- Bugfix: during the gameplay tutorial, the environment was not loaded
- If the door release is cleared and the door is not closed yet (= pre-clear), the door can't be opened again via the door button on the door now
- Tram challenges now always start independently of other settings started up with the Flexity in the summer at 12 o'clock
- Bugfix: switch at Prater was not operable
We wish you lots of fun with this update and the new ULF DLC!
Your TramSim-Team
Changed files in this update