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Boundary update for 8 February 2023

Changelog for February 8th

Share · View all patches · Build 6607267 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:13:36 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Here are the fixes and improvements that were made with the February 8th update!

  • Gameplay *
  1. Fixed issues where the score summary debriefs weren't performed after a match ended.
  2. Fixed issues where the progression in challenges wasn't counted correctly
  3. Fixed issues with mission progression display abnormalities
  4. Fixed damage issues that some GSW-SG accessories experienced
  5. Improved the Observer Cam view in Purge mode.
  • Game Settings *
  1. Added a "Content Filter" mode to the main menu with options to disable text chat and assign virtual names to players to prevent issues when live streaming or recording content
  2. The "F" Key can be swapped with a different key now within the "Mouse & Keyboard" settings
  3. Disabled voice chat within the client (instead of server-side) to allow it to be re-enabled at a later date
  4. Expanded the "Depth of Field" settings under "Graphics Quality" allowing players to switch on/off the weapon shadow casting
  • Game System *
  1. Fixed various crash-related issues.
  • Customization *
  1. Fixed the incorrect camera position issue in the “HR & ARMORY” menu that causes unusual dark shadows.
  2. Fixed various render issues found in some 3D assets.
  3. Fixed a problem where weapon skins couldn't be successfully equipped in some cases
  • VFX *
  1. Optimized the invulnerability overlay on spawning/respawning (The green-doted overlay).
  2. Fixed an issue where the bullet hole effect is not cleared after a player respawns.
  3. Optimized the loading time for some visual effects.
Windows 边境探空测试Boundary Sounding Test Depot 1364023
  • Loading history…
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