Hey Hunters, how have you been?
We’re here to deliver some really awesome news: the new Update is OUT for all our founders/backers to play! Now our most loyal supporters can enjoy 10+ hours of gameplay, including main adventures, side quests, and all multiplayer missions of the first act of Relic Hunters Legend! We worked pretty hard to make this build, we tested out many things, we cried, laughed, designed, implemented, coded, tested a little bit more, and now we’re sure that you’re gonna enjoy it!
We know it’s been a while since we updated you on what’s going on, but it was for good reasons! We decided to keep the secrets of this new update close to our chest until now so we could get really effective feedback from our community.
We’re also interested in learning more about the games you like to play and what are the features you like or dislike about them. This survey will help us understand a little bit more about your expectations and will help us shape Relic Hunters Legend into an awesome game!
Fill out this survey to help us understand what are the things you look for in the games you play. After finishing the questionnaire, talk to LucyG | CM on our Discord Community to get an exclusive Wallpaper and the DIY of Spaceheart’s Papercraft!
So, what's new in Relic Hunters Legend?
Well, you're going to face a whole new game from what you were used to, and here's the ~ small ~ list of new features implemented to date:
Now our players can enjoy more than 10 hours of gameplay to complete all of the Main Adventures and Side Adventures, plus all of the multiplayer Missions in the first act.
After complete the first two Story missions our players will be able to watch the new introduction cutscene. It’s super awesome!
Now you have your Journal screen to choose which Adventure (quests) you want to play! Besides the main Adventures that tell the story of Seven, there are 8 side Adventures with small fun stories, including characters like Biu and Panzer.
After you clear 9 regular Missions, you unlock the Special Missions, which rotate every 20 minutes and provide guaranteed rewards and higher difficulty! Also, you can talk with every Hunter in the galaxy or chill out only with your friends with the new chat system!
Now you can make your own build for your Hunter and enhace your battle style. Active skills are no longer all available from level 1 - you’ll need to unlock them as you level up.
Tons of new items including Legendaries, Exotics, Augmented, and Set items to collect in your adventures! Conquer the best of the best and be the most powerful Hunter in the galaxy.
With a lot more interesting effects for Gear and Weapons to strengthen your builds!
Now you have the place to find your quests, friends, buy new equipment at Shops and keep your items in your Storage.
Invite your friends from your Steam Account to play with you! You will stick together after missions are completed and can keep playing together.
The customizations are already implemented with color palettes for every hunter! Jimmy has a few test cosmetics at the moment, including hats, hair, clothes, and accessories.
We have Emotes and Emojis inside the game now, which you can combine to express yourself in multiplayer.
You can get guaranteed rewards such as equipment and materials after completing the stages of the game.
Now we have Chests and Resource Nodes for you to find and grab loot and materials! They can be found in the world in many ways: as a reward for beating a mission, guarded by some Ducans, or even hidden away in some tight weird corner of the map. Chests and Resource Nodes are a new way to get some nice loot and materials for your Hunters! The Regular chests and the Resources also respawn every 24h.
Now we have a Galaxy Screen! Before, you only had access to The Planet Cradle, where you could find the already known missions and hubs (like Galyno Desert, Secret Market, Peaks Blockade, etc). Now you can choose between the Cradle and yet-to-be-developed secrets. In the future, we hope to expand our universe even further so we added this very special screen.
A new and polished MapScreen has been made. More details and even more beautiful with 5 new Missions for you to explore, with different scenarios for you to defeat the enemies that will surround you.
Now we have four game modes implemented for you to enjoy alongside the quests and side quests that you’re able to get on Secret Market with our fellow Hunters.
New bosses and enemies were implemented with different behaviors and abilities. Tired of fighting the Ducan Demolisher over and over again? We already have The Riotbreakers, Lt Susan, Cobran Captain and Kami Queen done!
All our playable characters now have their own unique Ultimate Skill implemented! Go punch Ducans with Pinkyy’s Gauntlets, freeze enemies with Seven’s vortex, Shoot them like a crazy hurricane with Jimmy or enjoy some Beats and gain buffs with Raff!
Complete achievements and increase your Rebel Rank! This will give you special benefits to ease and further your hunting experience, like increasing the size of your storage, rewarding specific gear and weapons to show out your hunter experience, adding extra load-outs, or even giving you extra bounties to spend at the Market.
Gather with your friends while you prepare your hunters for the battle on our new lobby system, getting easier to manage the party.
At the end of each mission you can check who was the MVP among your friends and endorse your favorite teammates.
- Many new music tracks and sound effects
- Visual improvements: with new visual effects and lighting
- Account Backend system: you can create your account and all of your progress is saved on the cloud. It is no longer possible to cheat your items and persistent progress in the game, which will open the way for one of our most exciting features soon: player Trading! For now, you don't need to insert your real email address to create an account, but further on the development this will be needed! We'll keep you updated about it :)
There are a few annoying things that we already know about this new update, but we feel like we should deploy it to you sooner rather than later. We are very excited to see what you think about it, but we’re already looking into it to fix it for the next update!
Also, for you to be able to test the capstones of your skill trees, the Rebel Rank 5 is giving you a lot more skill points for you to spend and test out new builds.
So, without further ado, here are the list of the Known Issues that you can face in your gameplay:
- Loading times become progressively longer as you play and eventually crash. We recommend closing and re-opening the game every 60 minutes.
- Getting stuck on "Party Transition" is common. ALT+F4 out of the game if it happens.
- Sometimes invisible holes show up on the ground. Don't bother to screenshot the holes because they are random.
- Soft lock sometimes when opening menus during cutscenes
- If the party leader leaves during a Skirmish mission, the mission may not advance to the next round
- The final fight of the Alpha (lvl 22 Cobran Captain) is very bugged and broken and will be fixed on a future patch
These quality-of-life Features WILL come soon, no need to suggest them:
- Item Compare functionality
- Complete Stats Screen
- "Lock" Item / "Favorite" Item functionality
- Mass Recycle
- Auto-Recycle with Loot Filter
- Storage tabs
- Storage sorting
- Storage search
- For now the level cap is 15, but at the final launch the máx. level will be 60!
This build is a huge step for us and It'll be the last chance to make big changes into Relic Hunters Legend if it's needed. So we're asking for our alpha supporters to help us and give us as much feedback as possible for us to keep developing a great game. You can make it on our Steam Forums or in our Discord Community, take screenshots, record gameplay, the way you're going to do it is your choice but we really need to see with our own eyes how this experience is going for you.
Participate in our [Discord Community](discord.gg/relichunters), it’s easier to talk to us, give us feedback and share experiences with other Hunters there!
So what do you think? We hope you appreciate what you’re going to see and experience, we’re still working on new features and optimizations but we’re anxious to hear your thoughts about it, so we can continue to shape this game with our awesome community!
Have a nice hunt,
from all Rogue Snail Team.
Changed files in this update