-Technophage related unlocks in the data cloud are now hidden until their phage is unlocked
-Technophage related unlock conditions in the data cloud now mention which phage they correspond to
-Adaptive Envelop now works based on damage taken from enemy shots and explosions (collision damage and player explosions do not count)
-Adaptive Envelop shield gain threshold decreased (900%, was 1200%)
-Adaptive Envelop stacks now also increase the shield gain from adaption
-Killshot hitlag no longer triggers while you are in a jump
-Improved sound handling for player homing missiles
-Added cap for shield regeneration delay
-Blue carrier elite variant now launches fighters immediately and has increased ad spawn rate and health
-Fixed Processing Power: Weapons not affecting melee attack rate
-Fixed Hyper Shields active not granting photon deflection for its duration
-Fixed Blood Sacrifice still being able to deal lethal damage
-Fixed missing pause description for love
-Fixed lies in some data cloud unlock conditions
-Fixed bad collision handling on Hardlight Phalanx Set (?)
-Fixed a problem causing wave randomization functions to trigger multiple times when exiting intermission
1.206b (End-Tech)
-Fixed a problem preventing wave randomization in bossrush mode
-Fixed Foamed Cockpit not updating player health ui
-Fixed a scenario where multiple stacks of Adaptive Envelop would not increase shield up to the max threshold
-Dogtags stacks now also increases the damage bonuses you get for each escalation increase
1.206c (End-Tech)
-Piercing shields with beams no longer triggers pierce damage reduction
-Fixed missing shield max cap on Emission Mask
-Fixed a recent problem causing [redacted] to permanently disable shield regeneration after attempting to fire a weapon
-Fixed a bug causing Jump Blades to charge during intermissions
1.206d (End-Tech)
-Fixed Mirror Paint and Ablation Layers not restoring during intermission
Changed files in this update