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Digital Diamond Baseball V9 update for 26 April 2021

Version 9.0.8 Has Been Released!

Share · View all patches · Build 6602297 · Last edited 26 April 2021 – 17:09:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The following updates and bug fixes are in this release:

  • New Feature: Year can now include the year in player picture filenames. For example, the player picture filename: Jimmy_Rollins_phi_2016.jpg will display only for Jimmy Rollins that played for PHI in 2016. In addition, a third search string has been added to player picture searches. The first search is first_last_team_year.jpg (most specific), the second is first_last_team.jpg, and the third is first_last.jpg (least specific). If the first search string fails, the second one is attempted, if the second one fails then the third one is attempted. The player search strings can be viewed and edited in the Player Pictures Options. FYI: the team variable in a search string will match on both the team name and the team tag (the three letter team abbreviation).
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a crash when playing an exhibition game with a team that uses the skip starting rotation method in their manager profile settings.
  • Bug Fix: Improved the display of games in the daily schedule view on low resolution monitors. The display of the game box contents will no longer wrap around. Instead, it will compact, then truncate, and finally switch to a single column of games.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed the in game fielding positioning dialog box and hot keys so you can now hold the runner when the corner infielders are in, and it is also easier to toggle holding the runners when using hot keys.
  • Bug Fix: Made another attempt at solving the unnecessary horizontal scroll bar that (on some systems) shows up on the pinch hit and pinch run dialog boxes.
Windows 64-bit Digital Diamond Baseball V9 Content Depot 1536601
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Windows 32-bit Digital Diamond Baseball V9 Depot Win32 Depot 1536602
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macOS 64-bit Digital Diamond Baseball V9 Depot MacOS Depot 1536603
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