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ELDERBORN update for 26 April 2021

ELDERBORN Boomercore Update is live. Get the game 50% off this week!

Share · View all patches · Build 6602285 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


Hyperstrange is hard at work developing the ultimate throwback shooter, POSTAL: Brain Damaged. But that doesn't mean we're not going to keep updating and expanding our beloved Doom-Souls slasher. ELDERBORN might be the eldest child in the family, but that doesn't mean we're kicking them out and setting up a gym in their bedroom. This newest update was intended to increase stability and decrease load times. Regular maintenance. Boooo-ring! So... We've added 4 special rendering modes and an in-game jukebox, to make things FUN! Getting in touch with the game's 1990's DNA, the new display modes are designed to take you back in time to the VHS era. That's why we called the whole thing... the Boomercore Update!

If haven't launch the game yet to check them out, and you're wondering about the specifics, here's the general changelog:

  • Added in-game Jukebox, so you can pick your favorite tracks during gameplay.
  • Added Render Modes: "Your dad's VCR", "DMX Drops", "PC 1996", and "Artsy-Fartsy".
  • Further scene optimization improving loading times
  • Profile frame updates correctly after removing ng+ saves
  • Pad sensitivity now framerate independent
  • Some fixes in pad navigation in menus
  • normal difficulty now default, instead od ELDERBORN
  • Default framelimit now 240, was 60
  • Smaller bug-fixes and optimisation

The game is 50% OFF for entire week!

So that's one more reason, to check it off your wishlist. Tell your friends while you're at it - especially that one friend you used to play Quake with back in 1996, when pixels were large by default and gluten wasn't illegal in 34 states.

Fight well, Warriors!


Windows ELDERBORN Content Depot 727851
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