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Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood update for 25 April 2021

Patch 1.0.6a Scarlet Update

Share · View all patches · Build 6597327 · Last edited 26 April 2021 – 00:09:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Dear folks of Glome,

Finally we caught all bug criminals that have been occurred the unexpected loading crash and memory leak. Sorry for this long update, but we had to test a lot of it with many different OS and devices, with many different suspicions and researches. It's very difficult to find the bug which the devs cannot detect their devices, it randomly generated, and we don't know what was the main cause.

...It was like your stomach is suffering and the reason why is from your little finger. Doesn't make sense, right?

The dark age is gone, and the devs can rest now. So, please enjoy the world of Glome!

Best Regards,

macOS Scarlet Hood Depot - OSX Depot 1141121
  • Loading history…
Windows 64-bit Scarlet Hood Depot - WIN Depot 1141122
  • Loading history…
Linux 64-bit Scarlet Hood Depot - Linux Depot 1141123
  • Loading history…
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