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Regain Earth: First Strike Playtest update for 25 April 2021

New Quality Settings and FOV

Share · View all patches · Build 6596454 · Last edited 25 April 2021 – 05:09:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi REFS Pioneers!

new update is live on all versions (Demo/Playtest, Full-Beta) in a few minutes:

  • New quality settings! No you can turn off motion blur, depth of field, bloom, lens flare and grain (the TV movie pixel effect) as individual settings in the quality options menu!
  • Paintball mode further improved. Spray sparkles on every hit, even concrete and metal now spray colored. Also colored marks on player and all ai mutants without exception.
  • The display settings menu now has a changeable FOV (field of view, your size of the viewing angle). This is a very important setting that I needed a lot of code changes. I also changed the default FOV, which was 90, to 75. I have a large screen, and reading on the internet, most games use a FOV of 60-75 and not 90. If you like the FOV from before, after update go to the display settings menu and change it from the default 75 back to 90, and it should be like before!
    -- Please give me feedback if the FOV is not as good as before! It's a very, very important setting and I hope the player-camera perspective is at least as good as before!
  • For Ultra Widscreen you can now increase the FOV to better match the Ultra Wide Screen! Now the REFS is fully ultrawidescreen supported.
    New quality settings in combo boxes. No need to click many small arrows in menus anymore :slight_smile:
  • Basic implementation of close combat included, but not usable for now. For your information only, as the changes to player movement for close combat are large, please check if everything, explicit shortcuts and quick switches, still work fine. Thanks!. Close Combat should come live in next days.
  • More barrels placed in the factory
    Some (few) people seem to have problems starting the game. I tried a fix here, but I'm not sure if it works. Please let me know if you have any problems with the resolution or window display when starting the game. Thanks a lot!

Have fun with the new updates!

Windows 64-bit Regain Earth: First Strike Playtest Content Depot 1498051
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