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The 100-Player Twitch Chat Party Pack update for 25 April 2021

Happy Tanksgiving: Now with more... gamefeel

Share · View all patches · Build 6596346 · Last edited 25 April 2021 – 04:09:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Another day, another update.

Had some time today, and started work on implementing some Vlambeer-style gamefeel to Happy Tanksgiving. It already feels better. Nothing too fancy, but supertank bullets are faster and bigger, and don't always go exactly straight. I've also started to add some 8-bit sound effects to the game to try and capture the arcade feel, but they are not audible yet.

Here is the small list of changes in version 0.45:

  • Updated the supertank art to not look as cartoony.
  • Changed the supertank bullets to be bigger and faster, and they veer slightly off-center.
  • When the map starts to cave in, it now looks like the map is suspended in the air, instead of like a bunch of individual holes. This has bothered me for so long and it looks way better now!

Let me know if you've got any feedback or features you'd like to see, and until next time, I wish you all the best!


Windows 64-bit The 100-Player Twitch Chat Party Pack Content Depot 1269401
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