General fixes:
- Fixed Ashpit crashing the game when lighting is disabled
- Fixed some challenges showing up as locked despite being previously available
- Fixed several controller rebinding issues with Jacob and Esau and other controllable player entities (i.e. Strawman, Found Soul)
- Fixed the Void portal having no animation in Mausoleum 2 under certain circumstances
- Fixed Tech X rings bouncing endlessly with Rubber Cement
- Fixed bouncy and orbiting tears never disappearing in side scrolling sections
- Fixed Mucormycosis tears becoming much larger than intended when splitting
- Fixed Ultra Greed's health bar not disappearing as intended during his death animation
- Fixed Ultra Greedier not having boss armor (that was a bug sorry!)
- Fixed items generated by TMTRAINER not being saved correctly by Glowing Hour Glass or upon saving and resuming a run
- Fixed Spirit Sword and Urn of Souls not triggering effects that occur when tears are fired (i.e. Isaac's Tears, Mom's Wig, Immaculate Heart)
- Fixed pause screen sometimes not playing its appear animation
- Fixed Wild Card being tied to the wrong achievement
- Fixed the Backasswards challenge giving the player two of each key piece
- Fixed items not being removed correctly each floor in the Backasswards challenge
- Fixed 1up causing Dark Judas to die instantly upon reviving
- Fixed an infinite loop caused by using the Joker in an Angel shop
- Fixed "Lazarus" sometimes turning into Isaac upon saving and resuming a run
- Fixed some rooms not being saved correctly in Greed Mode, causing crashes upon resuming a run (this was most notable with crawlspaces)
- Fixed "The Forgotten" not showing any items on the gameover screen
- Fixed golden trinkets not being saved correctly upon resuming a run
- Fixed Delirious breaking the backdrop in a certain final boss fight
- Fixed Delirium's death static effect sometimes not rendering correctly
- Fixed Red Key becoming unusable when absorbed by Void
- Fixed co-op player respawns in Greed Mode
- Fixed a crash that could occur from throwing rocks
- Fixed a crash that occurred when using Glowing Hour Glass under certain circumstances in co-op mode
- Fixed Bethany reviving at one half soul heart instead of one half red heart with Guppy's Collar.
- Fixed Thunder Thighs / Leo killing the player if they touched a spike rock at one half soul heart.
- Fixed a softlock from Ventricle Razor being used on a certain final boss fight.
- Raised the cooldown of Blank Card from 2 to 4 when used with Holy Card
- Souls dropped by enemies with the Urn of Souls are now automatically collected when exiting the room
- Added a few more unique Dirty Mind dips for certain special poops
- The following items now count towards the Planetarium unlock: Deck of Cards, Tarot Cloth, Zodiac, Card Reading, Echo Chamber
- The following items can no longer by found by "The Lost": Best Bud, Hallowed Ground
- Rotten hearts will now be replaced by half red hearts in room layouts that contain them if they haven't been unlocked yet
- Red Key can no longer be obtained in Greed Mode
- Brimstone/Technology+Ipecac+Ludovico now only starts exploding 1 second after entering a room and no longer explodes on contact with room boundaries (this could cause unavoidable damage)
- Added unique appearances for Book of Virtues wisps created from Delirious and Mom's Bracelet
Mod Support to be re-added in the next update!
Changed files in this update