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Luck be a Landlord update for 23 April 2021

Content Patch #6 -- Lots of Symbols and Items

Share · View all patches · Build 6591202 · Last edited 23 April 2021 – 17:06:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The game has been patched to add new symbols, items, and bug fixes!

New Content

  • Added 11 new symbols (2 Common, 5 Uncommon, 2 Rare, 2 Very Rare)
  • Added 6 new items (4 Common, 1 Uncommon, 1 Rare)
  • Modified 6 existing symbols (changes listed under Game Balance)
  • Modified 8 existing items (changes listed under Game Balance)


As announced in the patch notes for the previous Content Patch, I took a good chunk of time to re-assess the game's roadmap during the development of this Content Patch. Over the course of this re-assessment, I determined Content Patch #7 will take 4 weeks to complete. However, I'm very excited for the new features that will be added in that patch, which I think will be worth the wait. Thank you for your patience!

In other news, Rare and Very Rare symbols/items will no longer have their names [spoiler]censored[/spoiler] in these patch notes. However, any references to symbols/items that are new as of this Content Patch will have their names [spoiler]censored[/spoiler] to prevent players from being spoiled, if they so wish.

It has also been brought to my attention that the localization of the game in languages other than English, German, and Danish (the languages handled by myself and a few individuals that I trust) is very -- for lack of a better term -- bad. I am doing my best to find and hire new translators for the languages the game is currently translated in and will have more news about this in the future. In the meantime, please accept my personal apology for the poor quality translations that the game currently has in those languages, and know that the game's localization will be gradually updated over time.

Game Balance

  • 5th Ace is now Uncommon (instead of Rare)
  • Ancient Lizard Blade now gives an additional coin and does not take Empty symbols into account
  • Gray Pepper now gives 6 coins when Removal Tokens are spent (instead of 3 coins)
  • Lint Roller now gives 6 coins when it removes Rabbit Fluff (instead of 3 coins)
  • Reworked Mining Pick to have the effect of "Gives 5 coins whenever Ore or Big Ore are destroyed." (instead of its previous effect)
  • Ninja and Mouse now gives a 5x multiplier (instead of a 4x multiplier)
  • Protractor now triggers its effect every 3 spins (instead of every 4 spins)
  • Red Pepper now gives 3 coins if every symbol is different (instead of 5 coins) and does not take Empty symbols into account
  • Wanted Poster now gives Thieves a 3x multiplier (instead of a 2x multiplier) when destroyed
  • Card Shark is now Rare (instead of Very Rare)
  • Cats now destroy adjacent [spoiler]Milk[/spoiler] and give 9 coins for each [spoiler]Milk[/spoiler] they destroy
  • Chefs have realized they can probably use Chemical Seven as a pretty cool sauce, so it can now receive a multiplier from adjacent Chefs and appear from a destroyed Lunchbox
  • Farmer now gives a 2x multiplier to adjacent Seeds, Eggs, Chicks, Chickens, Golden Eggs, [spoiler]Cows[/spoiler], and [spoiler]Milk[/spoiler] (in addition to the symbols he gave a multiplier to previously)
  • General Zaroff now gives 20 coins for each symbol destroyed (instead of 15 coins)
  • Joker now has a base value of 3 coins (instead of 2 coins)
  • Robin Hood now makes adjacent Thieves and Arrows give an extra 3 coins (in addition to his previous effects)
  • Robin Hood also now destroys adjacent Targets, Apples, and [spoiler]Billionaires[/spoiler] and gives 15 coins for each symbol he destroys (in addition to his previous effects)
  • Reworked Thief to have the effect of "Gives ? coins when destroyed. '?' increases by 4 coins each spin." (instead of their previous effect) (for clarity, they still take 1 coin each spin)

The above balance changes were made for the following reasons:

5th Ace has had its rarity reduced since ts effect, while potentially very powerful, can be quite inconsistent. Reducing its rarity will make the item appear in more situations where the player may have a Suit-heavy inventory. The same logic is why Card Shark has his rarity changed.

Ancient Lizard Blade was slightly buffed to make it more powerful in more scenarios, as it wasn't very hard for it have the power level of an Uncommon item (or worse) in many scenarios.

The average amount of coins Gray Pepper and Lint Roller gave over the course of a run was miniscule. Doubling the amount of coins they give should help to make up for this.

Mining Pick could actually be detrimental if received from an Item Capsule or Mine when the player is trying to destroy Ores with Geologists and/or Miners. To account for this, the new effect lets players get further ahead if they already have an Ore-heavy inventory.

Ninja and Mouse has had its multiplier effect slightly increased to account for the large variety of symbols that can be obtained over the course of a run (something I'm keeping a close eye on and have plans for)

Protractor's effect wasn't happening frequently enough to be powerful enough for a Rare item, hence the buff. This will also mitigate the (extremely rare) scenario where a Protractor would have no effect as it was always triggering on the same turn as a Telescope.

Red Pepper's effect was extremely hard to pull off as it took Empty symbols into account. Now that the item ignores Empty symbols, the coins given has also been reduced to keep the item balanced.

Wanted Poster was buffed to more frequently give players more of a reward when they are able to destroy a Thief (as achieving this can still be somewhat difficult in the current iteration of the game).

Cats now being able to destroy a [spoiler]Milk[/spoiler] and give coins for it will add some more early-game survivability to most runs. This is especially true as [spoiler]Milk[/spoiler] is a Common symbol, and each player starts with a Cat.

Chemical Seven being considered a food is mostly for consistency reasons, but also can make an early Lunchbox item more powerful on average.

Farmers giving multipliers to more symbols is also mostly for consistency reasons (meaning symbols will synergize with what players expect them to synergize with).

General Zaroff has been buffed as adding him to one's inventory can prevent players from benefitting from the effects of many of the Rare symbols that he destroys.

Joker giving an additional coin each spin is primarily so that it can be more of a "build-enabler" without a setback of a low base value.

Robin Hood's new effects are also mostly for consistency reasons. However these changes can make Robin Hood provide quite a bit of extra utility if the player decides to add him to their inventory, especially if they find one of the seven symbols he now synergizes with.

The reworking of Thief makes the symbol functionally the same in a vacuum. However, it will now still have its counter increase if the player has Anthropology Degree or Tax Evasion. This was an interaction that, while intentional, many players complained to me about. Because of this, I've reworked the logic so this interaction won't happen anymore.

Please let me know your thoughts either in the comments or on the official discord!


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Frying Pan would sometimes not apply its effects properly
  • Fixed a bug where Midas Bombs weren't functioning properly under certain circumstances
  • Fixed a bug where queued sound effects could carry over when starting a new game
  • Fixed a bug where numbers from the inventory could visually carry over when starting a new game
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