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Craft The Mapcrafter:Gathering Magic Words update for 22 April 2021

Release of "RPG that collects words and travels to another world"

Share · View all patches · Build 6583654 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

kuro Game Studio will start distributing the new RPG "Craft The Mapcrafter:Gathering Magic Words" for Windows from 00:00 on April 23, 2021 (Friday).

[Features of this work]

Map Time-Word Gathering Adventure Tan-is a single-play RPG that travels around the world while collecting the magical words "words".
This work aims to be an RPG that can be enjoyed in the recent play style in the JRPG system.

◆Different world views and scenes for each stage

By entering the map, you can start exploring another world and encounter various experiences.
Includes over 15 stages including sword and magic fantasy, runaway mechanical dystopia, unmanned shopping malls, and cafes open to travelers.
You can find words on the signboard, or you can find words from conversations with your friends.
New scenes and music are waiting for you on each stage.

◆ Intuition x Strategic x Customized battle

The battle is based on a turn-based system for each character and an intuitive system, and has been made interesting in response to changes in the battle situation.
A break system that destroys enemies by hitting weak points a certain number of times, an emotion system that changes parameters according to the battlefield, a pursuit system that occurs by launching a certain number of attribute attacks, etc. I will liven up.
If you equip the enemy's name, you can also capture the characteristics and skills of the enemy, so it is also challenging to challenge strong enemies.

◆Environment settings for RPG to your liking

Maps and battle operations that occupy most of the play time can be fine-tuned.
Walking speed, screen effect, double speed battle option, various skip settings, random playback function of 58 patterns of battle BGM divided into 8 themes, etc.
You can enjoy it in your favorite environment.

◆Abundant replay, detour elements

Estimated clearing time is 20 hours or more
-A number of objects that respond on non-combat floors (bookshelf, signboards, tombstones, vegetation, wall letters, etc.)
-"Magic Notebook" where you can read the collected words, equipment, and explanations of items
-Conversation event that occurs when returning from exploration
-Conversation with friends using the collected words
-"City of Lineding" that reflects the experience of the world of maps and expands
-By donating the collected names, you can exchange items and find out the enemy character settings.
-As a traveler's story, "Travelers Cafe" talks about the world setting once a day

◆Fantasy that collects words and grants wishes

"Home", a house with no doorway separated from the world
Gentleman's hero craft who has no memory of the past and his partner's boy scale
The two enter the "map", the entrance to another world
Embark on a journey to collect the magic word "word" to make your wish come true

【Product information】
Price:$10.99 20% off launch discount for 2 weeks after release
Official introduction site / sales page link:
Development diary (updated daily):

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