Hi to all,
Today we are proud to announce we have released the update to version 2020.2.
As usual for standard updates, we have fixed some bugs you can find below in RELEASE NOTES.
In addition we have started to work with new multithreading C++ standard libraries.
Thanks to these we have:
- Increased the speed of Voxel Lightmaps computation that now is scalable on the number of CPU cores.
- Increased the speed of a small portion of the occlusion culling system that is now scalable on the number of CPU cores.
These are very small improvements but they are only the beginning and, at the same time, they proves that new C++ code functionalities can improve the things a lot if used in a certain way.
Inverse Kinematics
We have started to implement an Inverse Kinematics system.
In this version we have added a new action in GameMachine called FootIK.
It can be used for foot placement.
Thanks to FootIK you can write a GameMachine that lets character to procedurally place foots on the ground taking into account ground elevation and slope.
In addition, using FootIK, we have improved the soldier GameMachine in the EasyGamePack DLC with a new solution for making characters to maintain still the foots when they are placed on the ground during walking/running independently from the animation speed. This increases the realism of locomotion and it avoids character to "slide" on the ground.
Screen Space Shadows
We have also added a new shader that, basing on depth map, computes sun shadows in screen space.
It compensates the lack of precision of the sun shadowmap, due to shadowmap resolution limits.
This has 2 consequences:
- It enhances the effect of shadows on small details like character faces, vegetation, etc... expecially when shadows affect translucent / subsurface scattered materials (like human skin)
- It highly reduces the "peter pan" artifact of the shadowmap (objects seem to fly on ground)
It is of course limited to a small range (infact it is also called "contact shadows" shader) and requires "a bit" of additional computation on GPU, but the results are effective and, once applied, you won't be able to do without it...
- [BUGFIX] Lights Clipper doesn't allow more than one clipper
- [BUGFIX] RemoveFromLayerMask action do not remove layer if the mask has value "everything"
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added parameter node into RotateTo action in GameMachine
- [IMPROVEMENT] Now RigidBody accepts mesh collision if it has mass=0
- [IMPROVEMENT] Now also convex collision meshes can be scaled (for static and dynamic rigid bodies)
- [NEW] Added cliff rocks into nature package
- [BUGFIX] When importing heightmap the terrain collision mesh isn't updated
- [BUGFIX] Ocean heights used for buoyancy aren't computed well for negative coordinate values
- [BUGFIX] If sizeVariance parameter of a decalObject ia set to a value < 1 engine crashes
- [BUGFIX] If Clone button is pressed in the daytime track panel and no keyframe is selected the engine crashes
- [BUGFIX] If you try to drag n drop something into the editor while game is running it should happen that import dialog appears freezing the program.
- [BUGFIX] When creating a particle system from scratch it is not visible (you have to reset the Dims parameter)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Now GameMachine string parameter accepts also nodes
- [IMPROVEMENT] Now Voxel Lightmap Building is parallelized, so it is faster scaling on number of processors
- [IMPROVEMENT] Optimized Software occlusion culling (up to 20% faster now, expecially in indoor environments like in HELLSEED)
- [NEW] Added Screen Space Contact Shadows shader
- [BUGFIX] When PrefabViewport is visible and a prefab is updated from Prefab Editor the GMS parameters of the prefab aren't showed in the prefab editor.
- [NEW] Added ObjectIsSleeping action in GameMachine
- [BUGFIX] When you pause an animation into model editor animationTrack panel and move the timeline the model in modelviewport collapses.
- [NEW] Added RayCastSync action in GameMachine
- [BUGFIX] the "speed" InputBox inside the blend2d animation control box doesn't work.
- [NEW] Added animation rate parameter into modelscripts for controlling the playing rate for animations inside blend1d and blend2d animation types (splits).
- [BUGFIX] When you insert a prefab with an object with a voxelLightmap attached, the voxel lightmap isn't attached to the object.
- [BUGFIX] When you click on the trash button into the input map configurator without selecting an action or axis the engine crashes.
- [NEW] Added GetDistanceFromCurrentCamera action in GameMachine
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added linearSmooth and angularSmooth parameters into AISetCharacterMaxSpeed GameMachine action
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added parameter maxDistance to ObjectIsVisible action in GameMachine
- [BUGFIX] When creating terrains TileRes parameter in CreateTerrainDialog always returns 32 value.
- [NEW] Now it is possible to use erase terrain ambient occlusion brush by pressing LControl + mouse button
- [NEW] Pressing LSHIFT + mouse button you are able to pverwrite the current terrain ambient occlusion value of a terrain with the one you are painting, otherwise a MAX operator is used (as before)
- [BUGFIX] Sometimes engine crashes at start (crash caused by occlusion culling viewport resizing)
- [BUGFIX] If you leave engine running a scene with characters, after some minutes the framerate drops.
- [BUGFIX] PlayerCharacter vibrating when approaching to 3d ocean and buoyancy is enabled
- [IMPROVEMENT] Improved soldiers animations (added foot IK)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added parameter "SleepWhenTaken" to ItemTAG object class
We are continuing to write the new manual and we hope it will be available soon.
We have planned another standard update, before focusing on the major 2021.1 version, in which we will insert a very interesting new feature:
Per Object Multiple GameMachines
Hope you enjoy this new version,
Stay tuned!
Changed files in this update