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Graviteam Tactics: Mius-Front update for 23 April 2021

Update 04/23/2021

Share · View all patches · Build 6578218 · Last edited 23 April 2021 – 18:39:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  1. Soldiers bypass burning vehicles and fires.
  2. A simulation of fire spread has been added.
  3. Soldiers caught in the fire can catch fire.
  4. Fixed a bug with a blinking order menu.
  5. Changed the algorithm for playing music in the main menu.
  6. Changed the algorithm of the action of the stops when the towed cannons are fired.
  7. For the B-4 cannon, the HE projectile has been replaced with a concrete-piercing projectile.
  8. Changed the algorithm for MLRS indirect fire.
  9. Changed the action of maneuver modifier in conjunction with the order cancellation modifier (user manual, page 33).
  10. Added sniper rifles to command squads of German infantry and motorized infantry platoons.
  11. Added the ability to select the unit with which the event is associated, when clicking on the event while holding down Ctrl.
  12. Behavior modifier “Stay concealed” has been expanded to “Act with caution”.
  13. User manual will be updated.
  14. Added high resolution textures for KV-1/KV-8 tanks.
  15. Added high resolution textures and winter camo for SU-152 SPG.
  16. Corrections of minor bugs in the UI.
  17. Added separate battle group icons for NATO and Wehrmacht symbols.
  18. Added a model of the T-50 tank.
  19. Added a model of the Flak-36 anti-aircraft gun on carts.
Windows 64-bit Graviteam Tactics: Mius Front Content Depot 312981
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Windows Russian Graviteam Tactics: Mius Front Russian Locale Depot 312982
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