- A replay code is provided after every online match played. It is possible to give this code to someone to watch a replay of that match.
- Units have a killing counter.
- Some amount of forest near players' starting points is now guaranteed.
- It is required to set a movement target when creating a Goliath. The target can be changed later.
- Gate construction sometimes fails, but two adjacent wall sections are missing.
- Game regularly freezes for 50-100 ms.
- In the cinematic camera, the Cinema mode does not work.
- When disabled interfaces, image aspect ratio is disturbed.
- Goliath and Mammoth have no left life time to display.
- Cuirassier, Hussaria, Light Knight, Heavy Knight, Mamluk need a barracks instead of stables to upgrade to Cavalryman.
- Cirsassier, Hussaria, Light Knight do not need stables to upgrade to Red Devil.
- USSR has a "Strengthened Mortars" upgrade, but no Trench mortar.
- Other errors.
Changed files in this update