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Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail update for 20 April 2021

v.1.0.3 rev.37428

Share · View all patches · Build 6570323 · Last edited 20 April 2021 – 15:32:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  1. Fixed a case where the loading of graphics settings could lead to a crash
  2. Fixed an issue with the Snatch mission that could lead to a crash
  3. Fixed reported cases where succeeded battle objectives caused a wrong battle outcome
  4. Fixed issue with medals awarding
  5. Fixed broken restart battle for custom battles
  6. Fixed unit attribute display in port where upgrade started from 0 HP
  7. New localization for Reload to avoid confusion between naval guns reload (speed) with land weapons reload ( time)
  8. Added a message in battle each time the wind changes
  9. Expanded skill bars video tutorial with naval case
  10. Updated wind tasks for Fireworks mission to avoid ships fighting near the shore
  11. Ctrl + H now hides all UI/HUD elements
  12. Various localization improvements
UA AoS Depot Depot 1069651
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