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Angry Angry Shark update for 18 April 2021

Game Update 14

Share · View all patches · Build 6559968 · Last edited 18 April 2021 – 13:09:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

New Shark:
-Added a new variant of shark called the "Fire shark". The Fire shark is extremely deadly and you should watch out as it blows up when it makes contact with the player. It's explosive blast is powerful and it will take you and your teammates out and its only weakness are long range sniper shots to the head.

New Ability Special:
--Boosted Voltage--
-When your weapon is boosted with the voltage boost it will give your guns electrical damage. Each bullet with slow the shark speed down. Maximum shark speed drop is 60%. In multiplayer it will shock your opponents (In future update it will after the players movement speeds)

-Fixed bug where if you join an ongoing shark game it does not show your teammates amount of cash. Now when you join it will

-Explosive weapons will now leave a burn on enemies. (In future update burns will rapidly reduce your health for a short duration)

-Added new FX for explosions, etc

Windows English Angry Angry Shark Content Depot 1546931
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