Version 1.08d5 which contains automatic scouting is now live.
Full change log of what is in version 1.08d5 can be found below:
Version 1.08d5
18 Apr 2021
Launch Scout button only appears on campaign Sea Group panel after ships recruited
AutoScout path updates relative to ship position at every waypoint reached
Search Range Slider added; use to set distance of scout waypoints from task force (removed inner ring of waypoint buttons)
Circular search toggle (clockwise and anti-clockwise) added to Air Group Panel, plots circular path based on search range slider, direction based on toggle
References added to UI image folder and styles.txt along with new image files for:
config.txt modified variables;
Deleted: campAutoScoutPointRange:60
Added: "campAutoScoutPointRanges":[15,30,60,90,120,150,180,240,300] to set Scout Range Slider values
"Launch Scout" button added to Sea Group panel (launches a single aircraft of first valid type from selected ship with no playload)
References added to UI image folder and styles.txt along with new image files for:
Air Group Panel: Added scout waypoint UI; available when number in Air Group = 1
Aircraft will follow scout points specified, return to ship, then repeat continuously (even outside Air Op hours), if parent ship sunk or released, scout is lost on attempting to return
config.txt added new variables;
campAutoScoutPointRange:120 to set scouting point range at 120km from origin (50% distance for inner points)
Corrected armor schemes on south_dakota_data.txt and kongo_data.txt
Corrected torpedo numbers in fubuki_model.txt and mutsuki_model.txt (launcher graphic still incorrectly shows 4 torpedoes)
Corrected sprite appearances on Action Report
message_log.txt modifications to display observing ship (BRG values relative to it):
config.txt new variable
Clicking on Action Report ship icons no longer displays a white sprite over the icon.
Edited amphion_data.txt to allow Perth class light cruisers to carry troops
config.txt added new variables;
shipTacticalRetreatAtDamage:0.15 to set % compartments damaged to trigger retreat (0.15 = MODERATE damage)
Dive bomber start altitude no longer lowered in encounters involving no opposing ships (or submarines only); they should now always dive
AI scouts now report player position and leave the area
Removed date threshold check for victory/loss condition as not communicated to player
Campaign setup.txt files removed variable; "dateThreshold":[1,9,1942]
Reworked campaign victory/defeat to check for neutral locations and detect correct ending of campaigns
Campaign victory/defeat check moved from daily to hourly
Campaign setup.txt files added new variables (Destroyed = destroyed compartments / # compartments in hull);
Changed files in this update