It's been a great release week, thank you for all of your support and feedback! This week we've prioritized high priority bugfixes, visual changes, new units, new equipment/balance, a new unit highlight feature visual, a slight reduction to overall expedition length, and a rework to poison functionality. We'll be posting a more in-depth early access road map soon so stay tuned!
Important: If you have an active expedition we recommend starting a new one as your location may be slightly thrown off due to this update.
Version Patch notes:
- Lowered the victory points required to win Clash at all difficulties by one. These battles were dragging out a bit too heavily. This is a first step we're taking to reduce the amount of time it takes to complete a full expedition
- Lowered the number of available equipment for purchase at the Marketplace and the number of available units for purchase at the Guild. These amounts now increase in the higher difficulty sections.
- Poison now removes half of it's stacks rounded up per turn after dealing damage.
- Changed Toxician's design to not scale so hard. Now has the Lycan themed ability of getting a boost for having 4+ attack. Toxic ability no longer costs an action but only gives 2 stacks of poison. After getting 4 attack Toxic will have more range and grant 1 additional stack of poison. Health increased to account for loss of power level.
- Removed Podostoma's Poison Tendrils ability. It was problematic with other abilities. It now has more health and Poison Strike.
- Nerfed Tend to the Marsh to have limited stacks and cost an action. This is a nerf to the Elder Tree beast encounter.
- Added Fungal Giant to the unlockable unit pool.
- Added Glacial Guardian to the unlockable unit pool.
- Added Mycena to the unlockable unit pool.
- Added Disintegrator to the unlockable unit pool.
- Added new common Explosive Barrel equipment.
- Added new common Fastgrass equipment.
- Added new common Thirsting Ring equipment.
- Added new common Elite equipment Entry Flare.
- Added Imposing Helm to the extraordinary Elite equipment pool.
- Added Lifeline Ring to the common Elite equipment pool.
- Made the AI more likely to trigger Invigorating Strike (Bog Beast encounter).
- Buffed Bog Beast encounter's minion and elite.
- Made Withering Aura properly count as a debuff.
- Alchemist adjusted to give poison instead of deal spell damage. Element changed from Fire to Nature.
- Adjusted Forger to damage units adjacent to the target instead adjacent to Forger.
- Marsh Hag encounter can now be seen up to 5 star difficulty.
- Made Acolyte more likely to heal its allies when used by the AI.
- Buffed 4 and 5 star Ascendant Acolyte encounter.
- Changed Admiral encounter to have less Haste and more Safeguard.
- Replaced Webspinner's Sticky Strike with Weakening Strike.
- Removed Primordial Seed's +2 health.
- Increased the Lifestone crystal's health gain from +4 to +5.
- Gave Gilded Ring +2 Health to bring it up to par with other Rare equipment.
- Cost reduction talents no longer give +1 attack.
- Fixed an issue that allowed you to still be defeated on the last turn of a boss encounter if you had enough poison to kill the boss.
- Fixed Hunter's Training to properly show that it gives Overpower and it now actually gives +1 attack.
- Fixed Infamy to not work on structures.
- Fixed Purge Spirit to properly cost an action.
- Fixed Sand Blast tooltip to show the correct damage.
- Fixed a typo in Slay's tooltip.
- Fixed Disintegrate tooltip typo.
- Fixed wording of Entry Flare tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where a unit's health changing while taking damage would cause it to always survive with 1 health.
- Fixed an issue that caused some encounters to end prematurely.
- Fixed an issue where medium boss nodes would last longer than intended.
Visual Changes:
- Unit 'has action' highlight feature has been overhauled.
- Added an icon to indicate morale loss on Vanguard and Boss locations and updated the tooltip to show the amount of morale loss in all combat types.
- Revised the contrast of draftable versus non-draftable orbs slightly more from the previous update.
- Added a darkening effect to draft screen in addition to de-saturation.
- The shimmer effect around orbs when draftable is now brighter.
- Updated attack visual effects for the Cyclops.
- The Army menu now has a proper title and its layout has been updated.
- The tooltip for a location now shows the type of combat it is when it is a combat node (Clash or Vanquish).
- Updated Poison's icon.
- Altered location generation algorithm for expeditions to greatly reduce seeing duplicate encounters within two consecutive areas of a region.
- Opened up menu interactivity in the expedition so that the player may have multiple menus open at the same time.
- Removed the in development warning from the Talent Tree menu and made affordable talents more clear.
- Updated the "start turn" sound to something less attention-grabbing.
- Added new sounds for all boss movement.
Changed files in this update