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Zerograve update for 17 April 2021

V0.2.9 - Sharp Ice

Share · View all patches · Build 6557566 · Last edited 17 April 2021 – 15:19:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


New boss: Challenge the Cryonite boss in a new chilly map.

Weapons: Updated effects for several weapons including Dual-/Line-/Quadual Lasers, Rockets, Nova Bomb.

Maps: Modified early levels, updated fire zone tileset.

UI updates: HUD updates, improved menu usability, updated death sequence and more.





Chilly Chapel (new level) featuring Cryonite (new boss)

Skirmish (renamed Entry) - Modified layout, added blue key/door and some drone part props. Tutorial tips modified.

Updeep - Modified layout, added new section and some hidden paths, etc.

Vertical - Added tons of drone part tubes

Redball - Now uses the "Fire" tileset, plus some small changes



Scrapbot - tutorial enemy

Ball Dancer (blue) - Hp 200->150, they were too beefy for their looks.

Enemy pathfinding improved. (Enemies will also get randomly stuck less in lockdown encounters.)

Aggro broadcast - when an enemy notices player, it will alert other nearby enemies.

Added small effect around enemies when they get aggroed

Updated delayed ice bullet effects.


Map models

Fire zone: New models for most glow edges in white, blue, red areas. Some wall textures updated.

Guide paths: texture updated

Drone zone: New: Wide tubes with 3 parallel drone part lines
New: Thick energy lines model.
Updated existing round drone part tubes.

Box props now break from a single hit and have a more fancy death effect.
Updated map start location model

Added collider to door frames (so the edges can't be passed through when door is open)



Initial maximum ammo reduced to 60, ammo on game start to 20.
Player collider size increased by 25%.
Changed damage taking sound, and its intensity depends on amount of damage.

Added an effect on wall collisions, with volume based on impact velocity, so bang your drone against a wall to your heart's content (doesn't do any damage though)
Also added a sound when moving against wall.



Dual Laser: effects and sound updated

Homing Missile: hit effect updated


  • effects updated

  • damage 40->50

  • cost 4->5

  • cooldown increased

Line Laser

  • model and effects updated

  • Bullet damage 8->10 and cooldown increased

  • Adjusted spread to be a bit wider

Nova Bomb

  • Effects updated

  • Explosion delay increased to 0.5s.

  • Radius slightly increased

Quadual Laser: effects updated

Plasma gun: model & animations updated

Plasma Orb: effects updated

Bullet launch positions are now more consistent between weapons.


UI changes


  • Enemy healthbar updated

  • Added icon for shield/ammo next to resource bars.

  • Secondary ammo cost is now displayed next to owned ammo.

  • Added flash on screen corner when picking up shields/ammo/tech

  • Some UI effects are more flashy

Death sequence: Updated death screen visuals. Also added slow-motion, and music stops during the death sequence.

Level select menu: Small visual updates

Encounter messages: Updated lockdown start/end and boss start message visuals.

Door messages: Trying to open locked doors now displays a fancier message in 3D space. The message is aligned to player rotation, so it's always readable.

Menu Usability: Fixed inconsistent behaviour when using cancel/back button to move in menu. Rebind controls screen can now also be exited with cancel/back button, as long as there's no input being changed currently.

Mouse cursor is now hidden in menus if it hasn't been used in the last 5 seconds.



Game start intro: Updates to texts

Level starts: Added loading screen texts for several levels and updated some existing ones.



Mouse look now uses raw input instead of a simulated axis.




  • Minimum is now about 40% less sensitive and max is about 70% more sensitive.

  • Also added steps and a numeric value from 1-15


  • is now disabled by default.

  • Increased delay after rolling before autoleveling starts, and it starts gradually instead of full autoleveling immediately.



Fixed issue where all weapons were unlocked at game start.
Fixed issue where difficulty text in top-left corner could be incorrect after changing difficulty.

[build b72]

Zerograve Content Depot 1218581
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