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Empire of Ember update for 16 April 2021

Additional content unlocked

Share · View all patches · Build 6555297 · Last edited 16 April 2021 – 22:26:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Save file compatibility
If you haven't started a new game with the last week I suggest doing so, as the economy has been revamped. Also you get the mage light spell free if you start a new game.

Fixes in this version

  • Unlock additional missions and enemies
  • Improve visuals of wizard tower interior
  • Add mage light spell, useful at night
  • Certain buildings which had unlit lamps before now shine lights from those lamps
  • Further fixed shots hitting shields doing damage to the shield and not the wielder of the shield.
  • Reduce number of enemies in mid to late game dungeons by 50%
  • Resting now rests until 6 AM, instead of 24 hours. Certain time indicators now reflect hours instead of only days to better present this.
  • Fix player footsteps audio volume
  • Fix no ambient music in dungeons, except for the boss
  • Improved sounds for certain spells
  • Thanks to 灭资兴无: Added day/night cycle with weather. At night enemies and allies cannot see as far. This will be improved further in later patches

Coming soon

  • As promised, if we reached a 5% or more player base in China I would add Chinese localization. I just sent a job offer to someone to localize the Steam Store page and game to Chinese, as this isn't a skill I have myself. ETA 2-4 weeks
  • Melee combat will be heavily revised / improved over the next 6 weeks
  • Enemy audio will be revised / improved over the next 6 weeks

Later plans

  • Currently if you defend against a siege a portal to another world opens and you can fight other player's cities. However, I feel that isn't very immersive. Instead, (hostile?) cities will appear on the campaign map at game start. Those cities will send out troops to attack you and villages.
Windows Empire of Ember Content Depot 980641
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