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Typed82 update for 2 May 2021

Typed 82 - Update notes May 2nd

Share · View all patches · Build 6554751 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


This mode lets you practice source code in various programming languages or even your source code files if you like. The evaluation starts with your first keystroke and ends with the last. By default, the auto-indent function is active. This function will add tab/space characters at the beginning of an indented line of code. You can disable the feature via the sidebar menu. In general, this mode will help you practice writing with many special characters, like brackets, punctuation and other programming related operants. Place your source code files in "%userprofile%/Appdata/LocalLow/Beardman Studios/Typed 82/CustomCode". Extend the file names with ".txt" (like my_code.c.txt). The mode will select a random file from the directory every time.

Visual Style

The visual style options got an overhaul in the settings menu for better accessibility and allowed more background styles. One of the new styles is based on a particular 90ies movie, with its falling characters in the background. I can recommend a green colour for that option. :)

Practice Settings

The practice mode got a few settings to mess around with. You can enable special characters like brackets and punctuation for more advanced typing practice. In addition to the new character set, there is also an option to slow down the speed.

UI Tweaks

All those new options and modes also come with a bit of design dept. The vision of TYPED'82 is to have a clutter-free interface. So you can hide the bottom menu bar with the "Back" and "Restart" buttons now. Only a decent little arrow indicates the hidden menu. By default, the bar is displayed as usual but can be closed. I made the state permanent. So you don't have to hide it every time.

Some modes do have an additional sidebar now that contains settings dedicated to the typing mode. The sidebar is hidden on the screen's left side and can be accessed via the small arrow icon. Those settings are only tracked for the current session and not saved permanently.

Typing Content

The phrases typing mode got more sentences to practice in English and German. Around 55 or so in each language. I hope this lead to a less repetitive typing experience. In addition to that, you can always drop any text you like to write into the custom code feature in the Coding mode. It does not need to be source code. Any text will do.

Typed82 Content Depot 1525971
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