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Demon Turf: Trials update for 15 April 2021

Demon Turf Trial's just got a MEGA UPDATE!

Share · View all patches · Build 6549183 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This update is a DOOZY but before we jump into that, let's celebrate 20 weeks worth of Trials so far! 20 champions with incredible times! 20 awesome Trials that we all competed in! This is...

Demon Turf Trials!


Alright, now to the main event: The MEGA Patch! What's in it? So much. So, so much. Check it out!


  • Performance has been drastically improved through fundamental, structural changes behind the scenes. Your game will likely perform significantly better now even on older machines.
  • We have added more settings to adjust performance per machine including the option to turn off Depth of Field Blur, Bloom and lights at a distance.
  • Improved start up time & memory usage in general.
  • Significantly faster loading times for a majority of levels.


  • All levels have been spruced up when it comes to color grading, shadow strength, lighting and general ambience.
  • New Anti Aliasing method has been added that makes those jaggies silky smooth, turned on by default.
  • Shadows are now set to close fit at the highest quality setting, good bye jitters!
  • Gamma setting values now more accurately brighten up the screen.
  • New outline shader that comes with adjusted visuals and fades at a distance to lower background noise


  • Super Dribble! Hold down the jump input during a super jump to bounce off the floor, let go right when landing for an extra high bounce!
  • Glide exit now has a greater momentum applied to it.
  • Glide swoops now have a greater buffer time, so they are easier to do.
  • Ground glide now allows you to jump out of it for quick successive punch attacks!
  • Rollout trigger in the air now has more height again, but falls faster after a few seconds.
  • Punch charges faster now & has a temporary speed burst.
  • Charged punches hit harder and jabs can be executed faster.
  • You can now jab in the air and air punches can be aimed in general.
  • Holding forward or not no longer matters during rollout jumps.
  • Adjusted camera values in moves like surface swim boosting & hookshotting + unlocks.
  • Wall cling is now slightly less clingy.
  • If you get stuck in some geometry you receive a little push vertically after a few seconds.


  • X and Y camera values have now been separated for each individual ability
  • Gamepad sensitivity sliders have a much higher max value now to compete with mouse players.
  • You can now display your total play time in the GUI at all times, it even pauses during loading screens for any% runs.
  • You can now type in & display your username in the GUI for streams/recordings.
  • Added official ultra wide support to the game.


  • Level design has been polished up everywhere.
  • Tutorial level now has a more interesting combat tutorial & explains jabs during the weight plate section.
  • Arena visuals have been adjusted and it now looks more like it’s taking place in Forktown
  • Enemies now spawn in when entering combat zones and aren’t there beforehand anymore


  • New visual when beating conditional zones.
  • GUI has been slightly sized up. (Will have a scale slider in the near future.)
  • Battery Thief is now accessible in the Quest menu.
  • Hold inputs have been emphasized in tutorials and moveset menu.
  • Added checkpoint hinters in Apocadesert levels as a reminder to players.
  • Added a new selfie in the loading screen.
  • Leaderboards now accurately display dyes & mods.


  • More bug fixes and polishes than I can remember. So, so many…
  • Tons of new, tweaked & improved sound effects.
  • Restarting the game after a failed leaderboard submission will now resubmit your time properly. We swear it works now! Probably.
  • Improved sweet finder arrow
  • Fixed intro sweep timing & pacing.
  • Updated credits
  • Intro cutscene now skippable, you’re welcome runners!
  • Added Playtonic Friends splash screen & more..!
  • Added staging system to avoid long black screen on startup of the application.
  • Fancy exit animation for level gates.

This Week's Winner

Pretty dope, right? Let us know what you think! Now, who won this week? Number 1 spot by a WIDE margin, congratulations to Trial Winner #20: Dynamix!
INCREDIBLE time, gg!

The next trial is another racer!

Good luck out there, champions!

Windows Demon Turf: Trials Windows Depot 1451651
  • Loading history…
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