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Golden Treasure: The Great Green update for 15 April 2021

The Time of Creation Has Arrived!

Share · View all patches · Build 6548435 · Last edited 15 April 2021 – 20:39:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Spring is here, and with it, the sacred Time of Creation. It’s an exciting endeavor for all goodbeasts, and the Draak-Kin are no exception!

After many, many months of writing, painting, tweaking and bug-smashing, the Time of Creation content is now ready to be released. This special addition to Golden Treasure: The Great Green adds seven unique events dealing with the creation of the next generation of the Draak.

We had originally planned to release this as paid downloadable content, but the price we finally settled on was zero dollars. That’s right… the Time of Creation will be a free update! Version 1.5 of the game will also feature a host of bug fixes. Many thanks go out to the Golden Treasure community for its invaluable help in testing and fixing the new version of the game.

With this, we consider the story of the Spiritkeeper complete. We will continue to keep an eye out for bugs, but there are no more major content additions planned.

What’s that? You have questions?

How exactly does the new content work, and how can I access it?

Approximately halfway through Part 3, the player will receive a special message event telling them that the Time of Creation, as the denizens of the Great Green call it, has begun. At that point, new sigils will begin to appear on the map concerning this. Prospective partners and events will appear based on certain conditions, though there are a few which must be sought out.

Five Draak, some familiar and some new, are featured in the Time of Creation as potential partners. While it is possible to romance more than one, your reputation will suffer if you are too enterprising, so choose wisely. The future of the Draak-Kin depends on it!

What is the new content rated? Is it safe for work, kids, etc.?

Though the new events do deal with finding a partner in the act of Creation, this is a process as spiritual as it is physical. Dreaming Door is a place of poetry, not pornography, and neither words nor images will go beyond a PG-13 rating.

What’s the status of the mod tools?

Work on the Story Creator has been on hiatus for quite some time now, but we’re not giving up on it just yet! Watch this space over the next few months for further updates on bringing your own stories and art to the Great Green.

We hope you enjoy the new content, and may you be blessed!

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