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Gloria Victis update for 15 April 2021

Weekly Update 267 – Welcome to the new Glory Season!

Share · View all patches · Build 6545558 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Warriors!

Welcome to the new Glory Season! As always at the turn of seasons, we are introducing many significant and interesting changes improving the gameplay based on players’ feedback! This week we are improving the assists system in the game, balancing one-handed swords a little, improving the combat with AI opponents, and introducing new cosmetic skins, inspired by the most famous polish cavalry.

The top players of the just-ended season have earned their rewards and titles, so it’s time to compete against the others and fight your way to the top of the ladder! See you in battle!

A little explanation for the new players: Glory is a season–based ranking which rewards you for activity in the faction v faction v faction PVP. The seasons last around 2 months (depending on the current updates schedule) and the top players are rewarded with unique titles and gold. Also, every Thursday night you’ll get Contribution Points – an in–game currency used to purchase special items from the Glory Quartermasters. The amount of earned CP depends on your position in the leaderboard, so climb up!

The screenshot’s authors have been awarded. [Vzla]-Caos, KatyushaCHL, Erikson and Smookeen
– check your Ambers!

Changelog v. Beta

Updated assist system

We were observing the assist systems for quite a long time and prepared an overhaul that will be much fairer and rewarding for all players and types of activities you can perform on the battlefield. The assist has been counted only on the damage delivery and resurrecting allies. There was also a chance for the assists while blocking enemy damage - however, it was really hard to achieve. Also, the system allowed to earn a lot of Nation Points by delivering finishing blows on low HP players and was not rewarding well tanking, which could have a huge impact on the situation on the battlefield and ensuring kills for your side.

After today's update since the equations that are distributing Nation Points based on the assists will count tanking the damage, which will be more rewarding for players who protect their damage dealers and are the most vulnerable on the battlefield.

In addition to that, we removed resetting assists after death. From now on even if you fell in the fight, and your team will be able to kill an enemy player, you will receive your part of the reward.

Last but not least, we are changing the mechanics related to overkill damage. Till today, the system was counting damage dealt to players as a whole, so when someone dealt 300 damage to a player that had 1 HP the number of damage counted to assist was 300 instead of 1. It was not fair, despite the system always counting a killing blow as a fixed percentage of the assist.

Weapons rebalance

One-handed swords are a good weapon for archers, but for tanks and bruisers were definitely underpowered. To make it more useful we increase all the one-handed swords' base damage by 15 points. Also to keep the game balanced, we have increased base damage of one-handed axes by 5 (they have armor penetration at overhead damage). According to formulas counting attributes to the damage, maces still will be the best weapon versus heavy gear (still having heavy stamina use and short-range). All those changes will open the possibilities to use one-handed swords more often on the battlefield, for more build types.

In addition to that, we changed the prices of swords buyable from NPC because those had a bad impact on the craftable swords prices. Sword of Lord's Wrath Brotherhood price has been changed from 20 silver to 1g (top tier 1h sword), Longsword of Lord's Wrath Brotherhood from 30 silver to 1g (top tier 2h sword), and Claymore of Lord's Wrath Brotherhood from 25 silver to 95s (top tier 2h sword but a little lighter and weaker).

AI opponents combat improvements

We gathered your feedback and bug reports related to NPC enemies and decided to address all of them at the turn of the season. The improvements are countless, but we will try to point the most important and visible of them. We believe that those changes will make fighting AI enemies more fun and educational, and good training, especially for the new players.

– Reaction times of NPC opponents have been reworked, allowing them to make more mistakes in combat depending on their level
– NPC opponents, during their attack hold and at the beginning of their attack release will now react to players attack and will have a chance to move to block
– NPC opponents will now have a chance to make a mistake in a fight and block a player's kick. The higher the level of the AI opponent the lower the chance to block a kick
– NPC opponents will not change melee weapons to bow instantly, from now on it will take the same time as it takes players to change a weapon

Quality of life

We are happy to announce the official Gloria Victis Wiki. We hope it will be a useful resource to new and experienced players alike. It will be maintained and updated as the game develops.

After recent changes with the red Powerbar needed to slow down the horseman, some issues with open-world fights showed. It was too easy to avoid fighting and just run away on the mount. Following the community suggestion, we are adding a possibility to slow down the horseman with a yellow Powerbar if the target player does not have raider specialization top passive skill “Momentum”. This should encourage people to be more active in PVP and mindful about their position, decreasing the possibility to avoid possible skirmish or duel.

– We implemented a system to animate parts of the equipment. From now, we will be working on many equipment parts receiving these details! Please, have in mind that those are not visible on the lowest possible graphic settings
– Unification of the currency system display – from now on all coins will be shown to give a better understanding of the price
– Added a more precise slider to set wanted durability and minimal tolerated expiration date of items in buy-up offer creator on player-made stalls.
– Added missing information about a signed item (green hammer overlay and tooltip info) in the stall window
– Added additional tooltips, errors, and button color on mount offer preview window from a customer perspective
– Placed the "show stall" option on the top of the context menu
– Added a new cosmetic skin set for Midland medium armor: Rotmaster’s six Skins Set
– Added a new cosmetic skin for one-handed swords: Rotmaster’s Sabre

The Rotmaster is an equivalent of a Captain rank in cavalry formations. This officer is in charge of a Rota, takes care of his soldiers, and takes full responsibility to the ruler for his subordinates. It's the Rotmaster's duty to lead the charge and inspire his troops with exceptional courage and prowess – but also to keep the cold blood in the heat of battle.


– Fixed the issue causing Gregorius dialogue had no option to end it and process the Sangmar questline
– Fixed the issue causing player-made stall’s offer limits were not affecting mounts offers
– Fixed the issue causing translations in party dropdowns were not displayed correctly
– Fixed the floating elbow part in karleonian chainmail armor
– Fixed the issue causing mounts with very long names could not be deleted due to the recently implemented reduction of characters available in their names
– Fixed the issue causing party leadership was not possible to claim after the party type has been changed to “No leader” one
– Fixed the issue causing a reset of character rotation when the character used emoticons that are blocking movement for the first time in the given client session
– Fixed the issue causing gondolas on one of Main Building tiers had different positions on client and server
– Fixed the issue causing scrollbar on questionnaire window were not appearing if the questionnaire text were too long

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