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The 100-Player Twitch Chat Party Pack update for 15 April 2021

Version 0.39 is ready for you

Share · View all patches · Build 6543612 · Last edited 15 April 2021 – 04:09:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey there!

A tiny update from me, as most of my work is happening on the backend (high score board getting implemented and I still need to figure out how to get it so it doesn't ask you to authenticate every single time). The music and audio have had a ton of problems for a long time, and I thought they were fixed, but that's not the case and I can't figure it out in GameMaker for the life of me. So I fixed it with some old-fashioned audio editing.

All the music should sound much better, and real sounds will also sound great once they're all in. A quick reminder that all the music is properly licensed with zero worries about DMCA issues. One song was even custom-made for the game (if you're wondering where the art budget went).

As always, I highly value any feedback or requests you have for me, so please let me know and I'll make this game the best that it can be!

All the best,

Windows 64-bit The 100-Player Twitch Chat Party Pack Content Depot 1269401
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