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Uphold The Realm update for 13 April 2021

New Ability Tower, Level 7, Multiplayer is now public!

Share · View all patches · Build 6536310 · Last edited 14 April 2021 – 00:09:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Patch Notes

This update makes the previously opt-in multiplayer beta branch the new default branch. This update also fixes a variety of bugs that were introduced with the multiplayer branch.

New Content / Features
  • Level 7 is now available! -> Includes a new Level Completion Achievement & Leaderboard.
  • New Magic Ability Tower -> This new tower has a long cooldown but will spawn a fireball on top of the tower which you can pick up while in room-scale(Not on the Map) and you can throw it at the map to deal massive AOE damage in a large range.
  • New Status Effect: Healing -> The monster plant has a new ability that has a 20% chance to provide a healing effect to nearby monsters that last for a short period of time.
Other Changes
  • Added a new animation for the Boat on the campaign map.
  • Improvements to the NonVR Version of the game. There is still a lot of work to be done before this is added as an official feature of the game.
  • Updated the leaderboard popup to accommodate more leaderboards in the future.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the floating monster damage text would sometimes show a negative number.
  • Fixed an issue where towers shoot radius would sometimes not be aligned to the center.
  • Multiplayer: Fixed an issue where the floating monster damage text colors were all defaulting to White instead of the desired multiplier color type.
  • Multiplayer: Fixed a crash that would occur when you tried to sell a tower while not hosting a game.

This update has a variety of internal codebase improvements that I've been working on. Most of this won't be noticeable but this should hopefully allow for new features and improvements down the road. I've also been working on map editing tools to allow for faster level design.

Modding Tools

If you haven't seen it already -> Link to the game modding tools guide

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