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Dorfromantik update for 14 April 2021

🌻 Patch 0.1.2 - Bugfixes & Improvements

Share Β· View all patches Β· Build 6527443 Β· Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

πŸ§ͺ Beta: If you also want to test new features earlier and help with your feedback the development of Dorfromantik, then find out here how you can participate in the public beta.

🌻 Community Feedback: We highlight items that we have implemented based on community feedback or suggestions. We look forward to your feedback in our Steam Community Hub or on our Discord server.


  • 🌻 Fixed tilestack to be cut off on 16:10 & 4:3 screens when starting a new game via the "start game" button in tutorial or the "try again" button
  • 🌻 Fixed tutorial textbox overlapping the tile counter on 16:10 & 4:3 screens
  • 🌻 Cleaned up the resolution settings (not every single resolution & refresh rate is displayed anymore)


  • 🌻 Preview Tiles keep spawning after challenges are unlocked
  • 🌻 When completing a challenge during a session, the next level of the challenge starts immediately
  • 🌻 Tile Generation: less sharp train track & water curves
  • 🌻 Balanced some challenges to make them more likely to be fulfilled
  • 🌻 Preplaced tiles can no longer be 'exactly X tiles'-quests and only 'at least X tiles'-quests


  • 🌻 Increased intensity of group edge highlighting while hovering over a flag or quest bubble
  • 🌻 Increased intensity of group object highlighting while previewing a valid tile on an adjacent slot
  • 🌻 Added effect at tilestack counter showing whenever a gameplay action grants new tiles


  • 🌻 Changed the game over sound from grumbling to smiling


  • 🌻 Added Turkish localization
  • 🌻 Added Spanish localization
  • 🌻 Updated Latin-Spanish localization
  • Perfect Placement Text is now localized
  • Fixed settings language dropdown items order (selected language should stay the same as before)


  • Depending on individual System specs up to 300% performance/FPS increase due to various performance improvements (tested on Intel HD 530 integrated graphics)


  • 🌻 Hold down Shift while panning with WASD to pan with double speed


  • Clear progress in menu now also resets the local highscore. If a leaderboard entry exists, this local highscore is overwritten by the leaderboard highscore
  • Fixed preplaced tile hint that sometimes disappeared and/or changed its type after saving & loading the game
  • 🌻 Changed preplaced tile spawn behavior: it is only possible to spawn the same preplaced tile on the map if all of them have been already discovered otherwise there is always a new one to discover
  • 🌻 When a preplaced tile is connected, newly spawned tileslots are no longer invalid, falsely preventing fitting tiles to be placed on them
  • 🌻 Challenge completed does not trigger automatically on start of the game anymore if the requested quest goals were already achieved due to the balancing adjustments

πŸ’› Screenshots by Solosolid & agath via Discord (congratulations to both for joining the 100K club on Discord last weekend!)

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