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Gladiator Guild Manager update for 11 April 2021

Basic Editor Is Ready To Use In Beta!

Share · View all patches · Build 6523808 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Basic editor functions are now ready in beta!
You can put together friendly and enemy gladiator teams, set their levels, and watch them fight!

There is also an option to copy friendly or enemy team so you can send it to a friend or to our Discord Community to show others the teams that you've made.

Keep in mind that is is just a basic version of the editor and new features are coming. We’re planing on adding options to choose items and quirks for gladiators. And eventually additional abilities for each gladiator.

Another feature we're planing is Challenge Mode. Where you can create an enemy team, set amount of points player can use to create their team (for gladiators, items, etc) and then send the challenge to a friend.
We'd also have prepared Challenges that you can load in the game and test your skills.

This features is both something we need for development and a fun toy to play with and test how gladiators work (or don’t work ːsteamhappyː). This will be a huge help in figuring out when the gladiators behaviour breaks, or where they don’t act in the way they should.
But more importantly, a place for you to test out some strategies and combinations really quickly.

Here’s a quick tutorial about how to use the editor:

All feedback about what you'd like to see or change in the Editor is more than welcome! Tell us here or in our Discord Community.

Also we have new channel on Discord called #share-editor-team where you can share your teams or try teams that others have made.

Thanks for following up on the development of the game!

Next feature that we’re planing to focus on is changing how timeline works and adding weather effects that will affect all the gladiators in the arena. As well as to update the editor with new features.

Windows Gladiator Guild Manager - PC Depot 1043261
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