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Neos VR update for 9 April 2021

2021.4.9.1114 - Connection reliability improvements, bindings additions, fixes

Share · View all patches · Build 6517270 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone, sorry for taking so long before the next build, past few days were a bit crazy! Reinstalled my whole system and had a bunch of things catch on fire at once, so I've been working on putting them out and making sure they don't happen again or so we have better tools to deal with it (particularly Patreon API being messy)! ^^; Also our spinoff Neos Classroom app needed some updates too.

The good news is a bunch of things are more robust now! There was a problem in the transport protocol and some related things, which affected the NAT punchthrough and relay, causing problems connecting to sessions through LNL. Those have been fixed (I pushed them to cloud soon after it happened, but the fix is now in main Neos too, which will help prevent potential session crashes) and made more robust with more logging, protections and auto-recovery, to make sure this doesn't happen again!

I've also took it as opportunity to finally implement a protocol fallback system when connecting to sessions. Instead of just trying one, it tries all of them if one fails! In case there's another connectivity issue, Neos will now automatically fallback to Steam Networking Sockets. It even tells you what it's doing now with more verbose info! This also fixes some cases of people not being able to connect, e.g. due to session orb having LAN URL on it or someone's connection just not playing nice with LNL.

I've also investigated some issues with the KFC balances that have been reported and fixed an issue that caused them to be calculated incorrectly. If you were missing some KFC it should now show up properly. NCR and CDFT were unaffected, but they benefit from the fix too. There's now also a command so you can request your transaction history for any of the tokens too to make sure everything is good!
In other news, there are some more bindings updates for desktop. Crouch is now a single brief tap, with a longer press being the normal hold behavior. Duplicating, destroying and saving items is now also easier with key combinations! Others like pasing and undo/redo have been moved to the new input binding system, so they don't clash with other behaviors anymore either.

There are other quality of life changes too, the "Null" unlodaed material now has soft checkerboard transitions, which should fix the flickering in some cases and session asset transfers getting stuck should be fixed too.

New Features:

  • Implemented connection protocol fallback system, which will try all possible protocols (and URLs for each protocol) when connecting to a session
    -- This should improve the reliability of connecting to other sessions. E.g. in cases connecting through LNL fails, the connection will try connect through Steam Networking Sockets if available
    -- This also fixes users failing to connect through a session orb spawned by a user who is on the same LAN as the session, due to connection being attempted on the LAN IP first and failing

  • Neos now shows detail about the current part of the connection establishing process (e.g. connecting through direct IP, NAT punchthrough, Relay or Steam Networking Sockets)

  • Added /requestTransactionHistory <token> command, which will generate and send your complete transaction history for given token to your email (requested by @Alex from Alaska)

  • Added periodic validation of cloud transaction balance data, to catch any potential problems early

  • Added ArgumentValues to LocaleStringDriver which allows driving locale string with static arguments in addition to fields
    -- Old "Arguments" is now ArgumentSources
    -- This is mostly internal change to add flexibility for the localization system

  • Added a mechanism for determining when the user is able to crouch and when not
    -- No Clip and and any Physical Locomotions with gravity currently set to 0 do not allow crouch
    -- PhysicalLocomotion has AllowCrouch property which can be used to customize the behavior

  • Added internal diagnostics and tools for solving some common Patreon linking and rewards issues
    -- We now have ability to unlink a Patreon account from Neos account in case you register another Patreon account. However the unlinked account wil be PERMANENTLY blocked, please do not rely on this capability to casually change Patreon accounts and only use it in case of issues


  • You can now duplicate grabbed items using Ctrl+D on desktop
  • You can now destroy grabbed items using Ctrl+Shift+D on desktop
  • You can now save grabbed items using Ctrl+S on desktop
  • Implemented a different mechanism for the crouch toggle, using a single tap (suggested by @Nammi)
    -- By briefly pressing the C key you will crouch until it's pressed again
    -- If the key is held for longer (100 ms at the time of writing) you will stop crouching once you release it
  • Ctrl+V to paste and Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y to undo/redo are now handled by the new input binding system
    -- This fixes Ctrl+Z toggling the slow movement (reported by @Shifty | Quality Control Lead)
  • Desktop photo capture is now much closer to user's viewpoint
  • Rewrote the "Null" shader when material/shader isn't loaded yet to add soft checkerboard transitions and fix flickering/strobing for parts of mesh that are right at the transition edge
    -- This should help significantly reduce eye strain and graphical glitches when worlds are loading (reported by @Ukilop, SmallObservantBird, @uyjulian and @Shifty | Quality Control Lead)
  • Darkened the checkerboard of the "Null" shader to reduce eye strain
  • Darkened the default checkerboard texture to reduce eye strain in certain scenarios
  • Upgraded cloud API libraries
  • Improved performance of the cloud relay and NAT punchthrough service

Neos Classroom:

  • Added ability to hide the presentation table and the database in Neos Classroom
  • Added exit button to the Neos Classroom screen
  • Fixed users being able to join the same session multiple times when pressing the Join button rapidly


  • Improved handling of malformed network messages in the LNL protocol to prevent misbehavior and session crashes
    -- This also improves robustness of the NAT punchthrough and relay service and prevents the connections getting stuck in limbo state
  • Added extra error handling for the NAT punchthrough and relay services as well as watchdog service
    -- Combined with above, this should reduce downtime due to unexpected errors and issues connecting to other users (reported by @Aegis_Wolf | Art Director, @Shifty | Quality Control Lead, @Lewis Snow | Lead Audio Engineer, @Theo | Video Production, @Veer | Chief Moderation Officer, @Alex the pet peeve avali 🐦, @聖なる人 (Holy), @Skywind Kitsune, @Rukio, @Turk, @H3BO3, @DAWKY, @NatBard, @Eearslya, @Epsilion, @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+3] and others)
  • Fixed cloud cleanup tasks not working properly and throwing exceptions
  • Added locking mechanism for running Patreon updates, to prevent multiple update jobs running in parallel, resulting in some users receiving multiple messages and wasting resources (note that you can still get multiple messages in some cases if the process fails and needs to re-run again)
  • Fixed KFC balance status not being updated properly in some cases (reported by @Shifty | Quality Control Lead, @Nammi and @H3BO3)
    -- The balance on the user profile has been recalculated and should now represent the actual number
  • Fixed context menu breaking when the locomotion module isn't setup (e.g. in worlds where locomotion is disabled)
  • Fixed Userspace interaction laser in desktop mode being misaligned, causing odd interactions with any non-projected userspace elements
  • Removed deprecated "Setup Circular Menus" from CommonAvatarBuilder
  • Fixed not being able to delete inventory links with invalid URLs (reported by @3x1t_5tyl3 and @jeana)
  • Added username RTF sanitiazation to the contacts list and inspector (reported by @Vixus)
  • Fixed not being able to edit LogiX parented under yourself (reported by @Polaris (she/her), @Hayden and @Ukilop )
  • Fixed keyboard block not being properly registered in-world, causing inputs to be still processed when typing/editing in text fields
  • Fixed local session assets not loading after the original owner has left the session (reported by @3x1t_5tyl3, @Toxic_Cookie)

Windows 64-bit Neos VR Windows Depot 740251
  • Loading history…
Linux Neos VR Linux Depot 740252
  • Loading history…
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