Hi everyone! We added a Hotfix today because of a couple small bugs that we wanted to squash!
Changelist (22.2.39):
- Fixed missing Stealing strategy in team global strategy screen
- Fixed pitch location for pitch-outs
Plus! The previous changelist (22.2.38)
- Updated default roster sets and player ratings (need to start a new game for changes to apply)
- Improved MLB 3D ballpark visuals
- Fixed some default park names in fictional MLB and KBO games
- Minor quickstart settings tweaks
- Fixed draft signability, redshirt undrafted college players going to free agency
- Removed online league options for skipping names.dat, retired_players.dat (often caused data issues)
- Fixed some live start issues (line scores, draft_list.csv)
- Fixed pitch location inconsistencies
- Added a few new facegen files
- Several other bug fixes and tweak
Changed files in this update