Hello everyone, this is the first update after Early Access release, it's mostly focused on fixing some bugs reported by the Players and an attempt to balance the game
- Fixed some problems related with quick access bar that would bug the weapon slot
- Fixed a bug that not allowed equipping weapons if the inventory was full
- Fixed a bug preventing items from stack when picked up if the inventory was full
- Fixed craft interaction icons disappearing if to close to them
- Fixed Airdrops falling into the ocean
- Increased day time length
- Increased the amount of nutrients you get when eating some food like corn, potatoes etc
- Increased spawn rate of food items like Corn, Potatoes, Mushrooms etc
- Fixed the text displayed by the Glock Magazine item in the workbench
- Now enemies only attack your base after day 5 (they still spawn in the world near zones of interest like Special Loots)
- Added Ak47 Magazine, Shotgun Shell, Sniper Magazine to the workbench
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to interact with Shelter from very far
- Fixed a bug preventing Water Still and Plant Bed getting water level to full when raining
The next update will bring some changes to the island, two new animals will be added (Crocodile (swamp zone) and a Leopard). A river will be added and some logic to the water system will be changed, so you will be able to collect water from rivers and purify the water in the campfire. Also, new melee items that you will be able to craft with iron/steel will be added, such as Steel Axe, Hammer and Pickaxe.
Please update your game and report any bug you might find or if you have suggestions post them in the forums.
Thank you all!
Changed files in this update