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Super Gear Quest update for 8 April 2021

Update (v1.4.5)

Share · View all patches · Build 6511998 · Last edited 9 April 2021 – 00:09:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi everyone!

I've released SGQ v1.4.5! I wanted to add a lot more content, but for now I've released a patch that improves more stuff, fixes a few things, etc. Most notable changes include overhauled movement, especially underwater movement, and a controls button on the pause menu that you can access anytime (removing the need for returning to the main menu to see/remap controls). Patch notes below:

Patch Notes

New Stuff
  • Added a Controls button to the pause menu. Now you can check (and remap) your controls whenever during gameplay, without having to return to the main menu
Changes & Improvements
  • Certain cutscenes in Urudia should now have much less bright flashing effects, to be easier on the eyes among other things
  • Slightly increased Starter's run speed. This also affects Avatar Duo, and certain non-playable characters such as Pauline, Halt, and Pi
  • Increased Starter's swim speed, and slightly increased max fall speed underwater. Also in addition to that, when underwater the max fall speed won't be as harsh as before. This means that instead of forcing the player to a maximum speed, it instead just tries to slow you down. Makes using recoil to swim downward more effective
  • When trying to float in water, Starter will fall even slower than before. Should make it slightly better to use
  • When in water, the recoil from most weapons has been doubled
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the default controls on the main menu being outdated
  • Fixed some bugged/unresponsive behavior on the Game Over screen, caused by the new controls system
  • Fixed some costumes from the previous update being unobtainable and/or only purchasable on save file 1
  • Felix
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