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Ziggurat 2 update for 8 April 2021

Update #29 - King Blob is here!

Share · View all patches · Build 6509080 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi! In today's update we're adding a new Boss, King Blob III. Take care if you don't want to get slimed to death!

New features:

  • New Miniboss: King Blob III
  • New boss room layout.

Gameplay changes:

  • Campaign mission threat levels are now fixed: 1 mission below max threat, the rest of them at max threat.
  • Reverted daily challenge weapon determinism from last update: It didn't really work out.
  • Capped maximum amount of enemies spawned to prevent extremely long battles on the endless dungeon.
  • Decreased pickup friction so they will slide a bit.
  • Revised the layout of a few boss rooms so they are a bit more open.


  • Changed the way the enemy shader works. Now they should look a bit less flat, while still standing out over the background.
  • Increased visibility of specific enemies such as the Stone Nightmares or the Wraiths.


  • Fixed collision for corridor stairs in the Cave theme.
  • Fixed wrong UI values for Magnus rifle
  • Stat increases from level ups should now be seeded in the daily challenge
  • Fixed being able to mantain vertical velocity, and reaching higher places., when jumping over decorations.
  • Fixed player status effect sounds not stopping properly with specific skill/amulet combinations.
  • Fixed improper camera "recoil" when using a skill.
  • Fixed fade out issue when completing an intermediate floor.

We also wanted to let you know that one member of the team will leave in a few days. While we'll try to find a new member as soon as possible, we'll probably be unable to keep the scheduled update roadmap. This shouldn't affect the next update too much, as the content is almost complete, but the ones for May and onwards will probably be delayed.

Windows Ziggurat 2 Content Depot 1159561
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macOS Ziggurat 2 OSX Depot Depot 1159562
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Linux Ziggurat 2 Linux Depot Depot 1159563
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