Hey Everyone,
Chapter 5 and Randomisation are progressing along well, please check the April devblog if you haven't already. This update brings the features and changes from public_testing over to the live build.
- Added the ability to switch glowstick colour
- Added a basic crouch mechanic
- Added a new objective system, you will now be notified of objective changes and can see your current objective/progress in the escape menu.
- Chapter 3 has had some map changes to make it clearer where to go and make everything feel more natural
- Chapter 4 gates now shut less often
- Reduced number of crypt zombies in Chapter 4 by half
- Optimized hedges to be instanced indirect ( should give a performance boost, especially to older hardware )
- Removed a bunch of objects that were not visible in each scene to help performance
- Added a secondary LOD to hedges to improve performance further
- Wickerman is slightly slower to give players a better chance to escape
- Chapter 1 has been re-arranged to have the first statue obvious on entry
- Chapter 1 no longer gives a UI message about the letters not being on busts
- Made a book in Chapter 1 more visible (was a little hard to see in the grass)
- There is now a gate preventing you from wandering too far before solving the tiles puzzle in Chapter 1
- You can no longer jump on lamp posts in Chapter 3
- You can no longer destroy effigies prior to learning about them in the attic
- You will now be rejected if you try join a game from another branch
- The serverlist will detect if the lobby has a version mismatch
- Pigman's stalk music reworked to be much more noticeable
- Pigman's spawn location changed
- Chapter 4 ambient music reduced
- Fixed Push to Talk
- Fixed Push to Talk key remapping
- Fixed Voices not being muted at 0% voice volume
- Fixed an issue where players would sometimes have objects fail to spawn (i.e. gates/lever in chapter 2)
- Controller support option should now work much better and disabling it should stop players from spinning
- Achievements should now pop instantly rather than on closing the game
- Fixed an issue where the witch could get stuck in an aggro loop
- Fixed an issue where Crypt Zombies didn't aggro properly in certain situations
- Fixed an issue where animations would still play as if walking despite controller support being disabled
- Fixed the witch not targeting
- Improved AI movement in chapter 2, should prevent some scenarios where the witch could get stuck in an aggro loop
- Fixed an issue where smiley could instantly dis-engage
- Fixed the menus appearing vertically for a moment
- Fixed an issue with the menus either having vertical text or being scrunched together
- Further optimisations to remove stutter when loading
- Fixed several navigation issues in chapter 2 including the "stump of safety" and the table.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to fly by crouching and interacting with notes
- A few small map fixes in various zones (i.e. the flames being missing in the house in chapter 3)
- Fixed an issue where you could break the networking by picking up the tablet at the start of chapter 4
- Fixed a potential disconnect when interacting with items
- Fixed an issue where updating an objective would disconnect everyone
- Fixed an issue that would cause the cursor to disappear
Changed files in this update