Patch 1.0.5 for BlackChain is out! Here are the changes:
EASY and HARD difficulty modes can now be selected for campaign maps. Difficulty can change unit placement, AI attacks , starting money, map triggers and objectives. It does not change individual unit strength, though I could add a Very Easy mode with 25% reduced enemy life...
Added camera zoom with mouse scroll. This is what a zoomed out screen looks like:
Added option to change starting money for skirmish maps
Increased Firefly training time to 40 seconds (same as Attila MW)
Added a wire to the first Gate Controller on the Tycor Mainframe mission
Fixed: Fireflies can no longer attack Minervite Veins
- RotX and RotY fields now have custom names if filed has a unique function
- Start location ID and control group option can now be accessed for AI Points
- Added melee map options to Map Properties panel. A skirmish map must have "isMelee" enabled
- Added Difficulty trigger condition
- Replaced unbildable terrain icon graphics
That's all for today. Take care!
Changed files in this update