Summary: Minor release
This is a minor release to stabilize 2020 additions and improve workflows and compatibility before the next major release.
- [Resources] Added Petrus Taurus and Sphero as demo characters; improved e-LysE and SkySurfer character demo files
- [Shading] Added “Unlit” as a rendering option in View & Preferences Menu
- [Mirror] Skeleton Mirroring now uses a new orientation logic closer to orientation used in third-party softwares (especially that of UE4 Mannequin)
- [Mirror] Mirroring tools now adapt to pivot orientation used
- [Tree] Added “Set as unpickable” in context menu. This option prevents unskinned meshes & characters to be picked in the viewport. If a character is set as unpickable, its whole hierarchy inherits the same property (can be useful for background sets/crowd)
- [Demo files] Added “Rigged Test Characters” menu entry to access .akt resources packed with the installer. A SpheroLeg.akt can be found in this folder to learn rigging/skinning toolset quicker. Download textures packages from our Free Characters page.
- [Selection] You can now deselect by clicking an empty space. This option can be enabled/disabled in general preferences
- [Shortcut] “Delete” shortcut is now contextual: it either deletes an object (Rig mode), or a animation keyframe (Anim mode)
- [Blendshapes] You can now use “Set as Blendshape” on a pilot mesh that does not yet contain any blendshapes. Both meshes still have to use the same vertices amount / ids
- [Akt opening] When double-clicking on an .akt file, it is now loaded in the current akeytsu instance (if existing)
- [Camera] When a camera is created, its orientation is forced to (0, 0, 0) in BindPose to allow for better control of camera components
- [Animation mode pop-up] In case a new joint has been created a dialog pops up when switching to animation mode to activate this joint in base animation layer (same effect as hammer icon)
Bug fixes
- [Export FBX] When using “Multi-FBX (one file per animation)”, character node was always exported
- [Stacker] Fixed mark behaviour for extremes and breakdowns
- [Spinner] Fixed uniform scale icon which stayed greyed out
- [Ghosts] Fixed ghost color bugs
- [Camera] Cloning a character node no longer duplicates the target once cloned
- [Picking] In Two-view mode, you can no longer select through the mini-viewer
Full release history here.
Changed files in this update