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Super Raft Boat Classic update for 9 April 2021

v1.1.0 - The Arctic Ocean Update

Share · View all patches · Build 6498999 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The Arctic Ocean

Welcome to The Arctic Ocean

The terrain here is brutal, the fish are relentless, and the icebergs never stop coming. If you choose to go the route of The Arctic Ocean, you skip Rough Waters and The Sea of the Damned, and end up in the middle of The Blood Sea. This also yields a Trinket in a bottle whether you've looped or not. Do know that you will get less kills overall if you choose The Arctic Ocean over passing through Rough Waters.

How do I get there?

On the second wave of Clear Skies, a penguin egg will come from the top of the screen. If you successfully catch the egg and protect it throughout the wave, the egg will hatch. If the penguin is on your raft when you pick a Trinket, you will be brought to The Arctic Ocean. Once you've reached The Arctic Ocean, the penguin will remain on your raft for the rest of your journey for as long as you can protect it :)


Sheet Metal

Turns your center raft into a Metal Raft. This raft can not be destroyed.


Lightning Rod

Lightning will follow you, but will stop a second before it strikes.



Rerolls all your current Trinkets (including the Dice) into new Trinkets.



The Net now has a completely different functionality. Whenever a raft is destroyed, it has a 25% chance of respawning.

Hot Sauce

Hot Sauce now has a 50% chance of firing a 2x damage shot instead of a 12.5% chance.

Stats Screen

You can now view your stats on the Character Select menu. These stats have been saved since the previous update, so you can jump right in and view your kills, playtime, loops, wins, deaths, and best run for each character!

New Achievements

There are now 3 new achievements to unlock! Try your hand at each one, and you may find them to be worth your while ;)

Keybinding and Controller Options

Keyboard + Mouse players can now remap the movement controls, and Controller players have the option to swap the left and right stick aswell as enable Auto-Fire.

Character Changes

  • Helveti's Machine Gun now deals slightly more damage
  • Chauncy now has a raft building time of 1.5s instead of 2s
  • Chauncy now has 1 additional second of breathing time
  • Chauncy's Shotgun now deals slightly more damage
  • Chauncy's Slugger now deals more damage
  • Chauncy's B-Skin is now unlocked by killing 800 sharks as Chauncy across multiple runs
  • Roboto's Minigun now deals more damage
  • Roboto's Minigun will now increase in fire rate as it's charge gets lower

Additional Changes

  • Bottles no longer spawn on loops (Unless you're in the Arctic Ocean)
  • When a bottle doesn't spawn, the game will seamlessly transition to the next area on wave completion.
  • Plastic Straw now makes fish slower
  • Plastic Straw causes warning indicators to show earlier
  • Trinkets now have a visual indicator to show when they've activated.
  • There are now icons to show where your run ended on the Daily Leaderboard
  • Enemy spawn rates are more balanced when looping
  • Adjusted hitboxes of Seagulls, Parrots, and Fish
  • Adjusted hitboxes of The Kraken
  • Steam Achievements now unlock immediately
  • A heck of a lot of bug fixes

Full Patch Notes can be found here:

Click here to follow the Discord for future updates!

Windows Super Raft Boat Content Depot 1541251
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macOS Super Raft Boat Mac Depot Depot 1541252
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