Changelist r5.26.1:
- Changes to basic gunplay; Stinger (default rifle) now obscures less when shot by having more horizontal smoke, improved muzzle flash, added trails to shots and made the bullet position always visible at distance to communicate bullet flight paths better, and changed attack animation shorter to allow faster second shot.
- Changed autorunning to work while inventory is open.
- Improved swimming particle effects.
- Improved “realistic” color grading to improve visibility at night.
- Improved look at function in menu to include jiggle effects.
- Fixed rifle fire point switch happening prior each shot instead of after.
- Fixed interaction names for chests.
- Fixed ghost fashion not loading for player on older saves.
- Fixed lantern appearing multiple times in store.
- Fixed act locator overlapping table in the game room.
- Fixed problem with capturing and rifle state.
- Fixed inconsistent camera ceiling checks in Showroom mini room stages.
- Fixed return items command unequipping items twice.
- Fixed pooled actors not re-determining their voice in some cases.
- Fixed pooled actors not clearing fur and cloth masks in some cases.
- Fixed davh nose piercings reversed slots.
- Fixed piercings having different scales on subsequent equips.
- Fixed missing or incorrect noise surfaces on certain objects.
- Fixed footprints appearing on wrong object types.
- Fixed censoring breaking on breasts after acts.
- Fixed Myghan giving repeated rewards.
- Fixed a hole on terrain.
- Fixed winter scene tree branch sticking through character’s head.
With luv <3
Changed files in this update