Some pretty hefty changes ahead. Quick form:
-Improved AI, some basic object avoidance
This will continue to be refined, but you should see some enemies SOMETIMES bee-line towards you instead of just trashing everything around them. Still finding the balance on this. Ive already got some thoughts to improve the system further still.
New Level-End System
When you collect every piece of junk, the timer will cut to one third of it's current time (down from one half), should make plays feel a little less arduous.
Additionally, there is now an exit-beacon that spawns randomly on the map. You can feed junk points into this to speed the timer up, and the points are stored in a bank upon level completion. The beacon can be destroyed, if this happens the exit-portal will spawn in a randomly selected area as before.
Lowered Menu Music Volume
Sorry yall :P
Your SFX and Music volume settings should also stay persistent between runs, the intro music was the only part that wasn't playing nicely for a while.
Hopefully fixed stuttering / hitching
Some bugs present themselves in such a way that your idiot-brain says "oh.. this is probably fine.. Im sure its nothing", only to persist and impact players. Never ignore these. A hugely helpful friend and tester noticed that sometimes the game gets into a bad habit of hitching every few seconds, something I've also run into occasionally. I think I've sorted this out, but please let me know if you run into this.
"Invisible Wall" in Tutorial
Well lets be clear, the tutorial absolutely sucks at the moment, but Ive atleast fixed the reported "invisible wall" issue. It turns out the camera in this level wasn't rendering a newly created class ("Tall Props"), which is why it seemed like there was an invisible wall blocking the path.
Changed files in this update